Category Archives: Masquerade

Masquerade and Vampires Realm Series News

This week I’ve been working on the next novel in my popular vampire romance series, Vampires Realm. I’ve made some progress on Masquerade since Monday. I finalised the new improved plot and made the necessary changes to the 30000 words I had already written before my muse decided to introduce some new characters and improved ideas for the story.

Tuesday was a day off this week, but on Wednesday and Thursday I managed to write around 22000 words for the story. I’ve made great progress and I’m really happy with the story so far, and it’s always nice to get past the point where the hero and heroine start to get together. Everything is in motion in the story now so I just need to keep going with the flow. It’s easier said than done though. This morning I was supposed to get up and get on with some blog tour posts and then write another 12000 words. Unfortunately, I woke up really tired and groggy and wasn’t really in the mood to write. The day was against me, and it took me most of the morning to get my blog stuff done and then my sister popped around and before I knew it, it was early afternoon! I wasn’t in the mood to write then, so I headed out and picked up some sketching materials and then did some preliminary designs for the Her Angel series romance trading cards I’ll be making soon.

I’m really pleased with the designs I’ve come up with so far and now I just have to bring them to life. Again, easier said than done! I just hope that my skills as an artist can live up to the ideas I have. I’m going to work on these until they really shine and stand out from the crowd. I have a great idea to make them really unique (other than the fact they’re hand drawn art) and I can’t wait to get them finished and printed now. I’m sure they’ll look fantastic. Plus, as a bonus, I’ll be able to use the images on my mini-site I’m creating for the series and maybe on merchandise too.

Next week, I’ll continue writing Masquerade. I just need to push on with it and not let myself get lazy. I’ll probably hit the coffee shops until it’s done and just focus on it. I think I can have it finished by Wednesday, which would be great. I probably have another 30000 words to write. It’s a shame I wasn’t in the mood to write today, but I don’t feel it was a complete waste of a day as I have my sketches done for the romance trading cards and I came up with more ideas for Her Demonic Angel. It seems angels were pushing for attention today. lol.

I really want to do a second edition for the Prophecy Trilogy, which makes up the first three books in the Vampires Realm series. I wouldn’t change anything major in the story, but I do feel I’ve grown as a writer now and I want to smooth out some of the weaker writing in it and polish it up. The trouble is, the trilogy weighs in at 350000 words, which is a lot of editing time. Because I would want to make some major revisions to the writing to improve it, it would probably take me quite a while. Off the top of my head, around 44 days of work. I don’t really have enough time at the moment. I wish I did because people ask me whether they’ll come out in paperback and I want to say yes, but I don’t want to put them into paperback until I’ve edited them and I’m happier with them. That’s the trouble with writing. The more you write, the more you improve, and the more you look back and go – man, I could have written that better. I take comfort from the fact that people love the Prophecy Trilogy so it can’t have been that bad!

I think this all comes back to the fact that I have too many stories to write and not enough time!

I’m going to get a couple of blog posts written for the Her Angel tour and then call it a night.

Posted in Her Angel Series, Masquerade, paranormal romance, vampire romance, Vampires Realm | Comments Off on Masquerade and Vampires Realm Series News

August paranormal romance book news

Her Dark Angel - best selling angel romance book

My fantastic offer on my angel romance novella Her Dark Angel made August very special for me. It was the first time I had managed to break into the top 1000 on the US Kindle Store. At its peak, Her Dark Angel reached #735 out of over 750000 books and was #11 in Kindle Store > Romance > Fantasy and #12 in Books > Romance > Fantasy. It would have been wonderful to break into the top 10 in those categories but I’m sure I’ll manage it soon.

On the UK Kindle Store, Her Dark Angel reached #320 out of the hundreds of thousands of books listed there and ranked at #2 in Books > Fantasy > Paranormal, #7 in Books > Fantasy >Romance and #7 in Books > Romance > Paranormal.

Her Dark Angel is still only $0.99 and is a great introduction to my best selling angel romance series Her Angel. Since I’m offering this book at a $2.00 discount, you can get the entire series in e-book for less than $11 right now!

Her Guardian Angel - angel romance novel

Since the release of Her Guardian Angel, the fourth book in my Her Angel series, I’ve been scribbling down ideas for the next novel, Her Demonic Angel. It’s going to be as big, emotional and hard-hitting as Her Guardian Angel, so you had better all prepare yourself. This time, you’ll probably need to make sure you’ve read Her Guardian Angel so you know enough about the world to really enjoy the plot to the maximum degree.

Her Guardian Angel has started receiving reviews at various book blogs and it’s doing great so far. I think reviewers are really surprised by the depth of the plot and just how emotional the book is, and also the course the series is taking. I had promised that it was going to be one heck of a thrill ride and I think I delivered. It’s great to see it doing so well, getting four and five star reviews, and it makes me happy as I put so much effort into making it original and I had wanted to write something with emotional punch. Yes, I know most of my stories play on the readers emotions, but this one is really intense and the action and pace is super-fast. Here are snippets from some of the reviews:

“I feel like this book has changed the entire dynamic of the universe Felicity Heaton has created.  Something big is introduced and if the series continues I can see it having huge impact on the overall battle between heaven and hell. The battles are big, the love is even bigger and the betrayals our heroes face is game-changing. Just the way I like my romances.”

— Kelly, Reading the Paranormal — click here for the full review

“This book had me glued to the pages. It was an unputdownable read with an array of characters that you feel an instant connection with, a swoon worthy hero who risks it all for the woman he loves, and a strong heroine who will fight right along side him, this book truly has it all.”

— Paromantasy — 5 STARS — click here for the full review

“I LOVED this book!! It has to be the best in the series so far. I couldn’t put it down. I read the whole thing in one sitting, and used a box of Kleenex in the process. I swear I cried my way through it, and was a total emotional train wreck by the end of it all. But it made for an amazing read!… You have to grab a copy, it will awe you.”

— Madame D, Madame D’s Boudoir — 5 STARS — click here for the full review

Awesome, huh?

August also saw me complete the second draft of my upcoming vampire romance book, Heart of Darkness. Heart of Darkness is a stand alone vampire romance novel, and features one of my favourite heroes, Aleksandr. He’s a bit of a rake and a little behind the times on modern women because he’s spent the past four hundred years focusing on hunting the vampire hunters that plague his species, but Elise, the heroine, whips him into shape as he pursues her like a predator chasing prey. Heart of Darkness will be out on October 22nd, so make sure you pencil it into your diaries!

I also had a great chat with fellow author Candy Nicks / Alexandra Marell and hit upon a great idea for a trio of very hot vampire erotic romance novellas. I quickly typed out around 6000 words of outline for the three novellas and now that I have the stories set out on paper and in my head, I’ll be writing them soon.

Masquerade, the tenth book in my vampire romance series, Vampires Realm, has taken another bump because of the novellas ideas I have, so I’ll be pushing that down the queue. Since the trouble it gave me that forced me to stop writing it at 30000 words in and made me re-evaluate the plot of this vampire romance novel, I’ve spent time writing down new ideas for the improved plot and figuring out how to overcome the problems I thought it had in terms of characters. I’ve got everything together for it now and I just need to rewrite the outline to include all the new plot ideas and changes I want to make and then I’ll be ready to start writing it. Thankfully most of the 30000 words I had already written is still usable.

I think that was all my writing news for August. It was a really eventful and busy month for me, and now I have a new trio of vampire erotic romance novellas to write, September and the rest of the year will be just as busy!

Posted in 2011 releases, angel romance, Heart of Darkness, Her Angel Series, Her Dark Angel, Her Guardian Angel, Masquerade, paranormal romance, reviews, vampire romance, Vampires Realm, writing | Comments Off on August paranormal romance book news

Masquerade, books on writing, and ear ache

My ear is giving me hell today, so I’m mostly sitting on the couch in my living room reading a good book on Characters & View Point. I want to finish this one, and then read one about story structure I bought recently, and then I’ll continue plotting Masquerade. I read a section of Masquerade yesterday, the 30k I had written before realising the story was taking a new direction and that I needed to rethink the current plot in light of that, and the changes to the characters.

I’m getting good ideas for it, but it’s going to be difficult to take Vivek, the hero, who is shown in poor light in the first chapter because we’re in Sophis’s, the heroine, point of view and she’s pretty riled at him and set on being in a bad mood with him, and is therefore slightly off in her opinion of him (heck, we’ve all been there right? Someone does something and we interpret it the way we want to because our judgement is coloured by our current emotions… rather than seeing things clearly and for what they really are, we put what the person has done in a bad light and grow angrier at them when in reality we should find out why they did something and perhaps their explanation would temper our foul mood). Basically, Vivek comes across as a less than sterling bloke, but she’s totally misinterpreting everything and flying off the handle because he’s hurt her feelings and she feels as though he’s on a non-stop mission to get her kicked out of the guard.

Okay, he is in a way, but only because he’s going about tackling his desire to protect her in the wrong way and the guy wants to keep her safe to a fault, so he doesn’t quite see that what he’s doing is actually hurting her since her life is the guard.

So you see… it’s the age old dilemma. I need the tension between them, but I don’t want the reader to lose all sympathy for the hero in chapter one and have him painted as a bad guy that is then irredeemable to the reader. No one loves a hero like that. I guess I need to make sure that it’s clear in chapter one that Sophis knows that this isn’t like Vivek and she feels she needs to find out what changed him from the man who saw her through her training and had always had time for her. I need to make sure that the reader… yes, you… realise in the first chapter that Vivek isn’t usually like this and what he used to be like, how close they once were, and make you stick it out so you find out why he’s acting like an ass in her opinion (he’s not really… she’s just blinded by her anger towards him because of his behaviour towards her).

Why do my heroes always give me trouble? lol. It’s never the heroines. It’s always the men in my life that like that cause these little upsets. Although… if Vivek hadn’t given me such grief, and therefore my writer heart hadn’t tried so tirelessly to give him a reason to be so hard-headed and a bit of a male pig, then I wouldn’t have found a new depth to Vivek and the story.

My meds are kicking in to get rid of the ear ache but Vivek is giving me a royal headache! I’m sure I’ll find a way to balance him in the first chapter so readers aren’t judging him badly and will give the guy a chance to show just how fiercely protective, passionate and brave he is. I can vouch for him. He’s a good bloke once you get to know him. lol.

Anyway, I’m off to assess my work load and continue reading this book on Characterisation. I think it’s really important as a writer to keep learning. I’ve read a lot of books on writing but I find something new in each book I read, so every one is worth it and I feel it really helps me hone my craft and offer a better experience to readers. Maybe while I’m reading I’ll find a way to fix Vivek and that first chapter, and find that balance I need to intrigue readers about Vivek and have them questing to discover just why he wants her off the guard, and just what happened in their past to change him.


Posted in Masquerade, paranormal romance, vampire romance, vampires, Vampires Realm, writing | Comments Off on Masquerade, books on writing, and ear ache

We interrupt this broadcast…

This week has not been a good week. First it took me a while to get back into the swing of things after my trip to Istanbul, Turkey. The muse went AWOL, which isn’t like him, and when I eventually dragged him back, he just wasn’t interested in writing Masquerade.

Or maybe that was me not interested in writing it.

It’s not so much that I’m not interested, just that I feel there are problems with the story and some things just weren’t clicking for me. I felt it wasn’t going to be a success as it was. I did get up to around 30,000 words of the story written this week, and with them came a few revelations that have led me to re-think the plot and the story, and the characters involved. Not a bad thing. Better I put it on the back burner now so I have time to think about it and get it perfect rather than having to rewrite huge tracts of it at a later date when a deadline is tight.

The trouble is, I had planned to get this story written and released on September 10th this year. See the problem there. Very short deadline in which to write something to fill the gap. Not sure yet what I’ll do but I do have another story in mind for release this year as my second Vampires Realm story. I’ll think of something to release in September, but it might be a short story or novella rather than a novel. I’m going to crunch the figures in my schedule and see what comes out. It might be that I shift the release of Heart of Darkness to September 10th from October 22nd, and then write something new in time for the October 22nd release date.

You’d think being an indie author it would matter what date I release stuff, but I have a whole year’s worth of guest blog dates in place and I refuse to disappoint the people who have kindly offered me a slot on their blog. I also have advertising in place too.

If I can’t get anything written in time, then I will probably use those dates to promote my first two releases this year, because I didn’t have the tour in place then and they could do with some promotion.

It wasn’t just Masquerade not quite feeling right that has put me behind. It’s my main computer too. It upped and died on me recently during a Windows Vista Service Pack 1 upgrade and I’ve had to reinstall everything. Thankfully, I had backed up all my files to my external hard drive before upgrading to the piece of poop that is the Service Pack 1. Why Windows allow this SP to still be used when they know it has faults is beyond my comprehension, but I think it just goes to show how crap Microsoft is.

Needless to say, I’m mightily miffed at Windows and it’s eaten up my whole day fixing the cursed computer in question. There goes my writing time. Got to reinstall lots of drivers, programs, devices, and put all my files back on my computer now. Bleh.

I had really hoped to get Masquerade written but perhaps it’s a good thing that my release order has changed. Heart of Darkness features a guard as the heroine, and hunters as the enemy. Masquerade has the hero and heroine as guards, and vampires / vampire hunters as the enemy too. Might be too similar, even though the stories are quite different.

I think that I will probably keep Heart of Darkness as my October 22nd release, and then have When Darkness Falls, which is a Vampires Realm novel, as my December release. Masquerade will have to wait until next year before it’s released.

My other option is to write Descent, the second story in my Shadow & Light Trilogy for release in December.

Choices, choices. It’s difficult really. I guess it will all come down to if I have enough time. I picture When Darkness Falls as a novel of around 65,000 words, while Descent will likely reach 90,000-100,000 words. Obviously it takes me longer to write, edit, polish and proof a novel that length.

Maybe this is all just fate telling me that I’m a crazy lady to want to release 8 full novels in the space of just a year. It’s saying “slow down, chillax, follow the flow” which I could happily listen to!

Back to work for me. For a change it isn’t writing that’s beckoning me rather it’s the techy stuff of reinstalling and rebuilding a computer. It’s been a while. I’ve had this one for two years or so without it giving me hell. My previous one required a fresh Windows install everything few months!

I’ll keep you guys posted on what I decide to write for when.


Posted in 2011 releases, Heart of Darkness, Masquerade, Shadow and Light Trilogy, When Darkness Falls, writing | Comments Off on We interrupt this broadcast…

Angel romances, Assassin’s Creed and blog tours

This week has been long, but not exactly fruitful. Thanks to my obsession with Assassin’s Creed: Brotherhood and my need to play it every day for at least a couple of hours, my focus is shot. I have managed to struggle with my short attention span and bring it under control enough that I have managed to get the final two chapters of Her Guardian Angel re-written and ready for editing, but other things in my schedule have suffered.

I can’t lay the blame solely at the feet of Ezio from Assassin’s Creed. I think in part my lack of concentration and focus this week is down to overworking. I’ve been working non-stop recently and it was only a matter of time before my mind shattered and I wanted to do something other than author related work.

I’m just thankful that once I get the final two chapters of Her Guardian Angel edited, I can put it to rest for a while, and that I managed to get it done before heading off on holiday for a few days. A much needed holiday, that’s for sure!

When I return, I’ll be thrown straight into the release weekend of Forbidden Blood, but I think I can deal with that if I get everything on my list done and dusted, and therefore only have to worry about release stuff when I get back. I am looking forward to the release of Forbidden Blood. I want to see what readers think about the take on vampires in this one and whether there’s interest in the series. I already have a vampire romance series on the go, so it will be interesting to see what sort of reception this one gets. The Vampire Venators series is quite different to my Vampires Realm series, so hopefully there’ll be room for both of them.

I’m having a dilemma at the moment about what to write next. My schedule is very tight right now, but I really want to get the next Shadow & Light Trilogy novel written, edited, and released this year. I’d love to get it done for September and move Masquerade to October or December. Hmm. It’s tricky though and it is providing me with a bit of a headache. I keep working my calendar, shifting things around and seeing if I could write it and get it edited in time. It’s possible, but it would mean some seriously long days. Going to crunch the numbers again later and see if I’m just asking too much of myself.

I have to take into account that I’m signed up to around one hundred appearances this year at various blogs too. I need to make sure that I have time to get the articles for them written as well as getting books written or edited. On top of this, I want to start offering a flash fiction in my newsletter every month, and I have a few short stories that I want to write as freebies too.

I think I might quietly go away now and have a breakdown. Lol. When I took the leap to become a full time author, I had figured it would be easy and that I’d be able to get stuff done in no time because I had all day to do it rather than just a few hours a day. Wrong! Stuff just came along to fill those hours!

Right, I had best go get on with said stuff.


Posted in forbidden blood, Masquerade, Shadow and Light Trilogy, Vampire Venators, Vampires Realm, writing | Comments Off on Angel romances, Assassin’s Creed and blog tours

Her Guardian Angel, Masquerade and more

It’s been a while since I just sat down and wrote about what I’ve been up to, and I’ve been meaning to do a catch up post for a few weeks now. Things were hectic for me in April. I was still arranging dates and appearances for my ongoing Paranormal Pandemonium 2011 Blog Tour (if you’re a book blog interested in hosting me at all, do get in touch – felicity_heaton (at) yahoo (dot) co (dot) uk – as I’m always looking for more places to do interviews, articles, and get reviews done for my books) and I was trying to get the first draft of Her Guardian Angel written before my trip to Barcelona at the start of May.

Her Guardian Angel was the first book I had written since giving up my day job to focus on my writing and it’s been a bit of a struggle to grow accustomed to working from home on a novel. I was pleased with the amount of words I could get down onto paper, well screen at least, by being in my office at home without interruptions. I just need to find a balance between writing and the admin side of things when I’m actively working on a book. When I write, I just want to write and that’s all. Once I get going, everything else drifts into the background and I have a tendency to just ignore it. Of course, it’s hard to ignore all the emails, articles, interviews, etc when they pile up. Then I end up switching to admin mode for days on end to clear the backlog. What I need to do is strike a balance between writing and admin. I think I’ll get there in the end, but it’s something that isn’t going to happen overnight.

The good thing is that the first draft of Her Guardian Angel, the fourth book in my Her Angel series and the first novel length outing, is now complete at 92000 words, and that I got it done before I went away. I didn’t want to have to come back from holiday and try to pick up right at the end of the book and finish it. That would have been very difficult to do without reading quite a large chunk of it back, which would have taken time out of my schedule. I’m pleased with how it has turned out, but I know there’s a few places where I need to fix it up a bit, or iron out some wrinkles at least. That’s what the second draft is for.

The second draft on this angel romance book will be done when it’s had time to rest, which gives me time to write my next novel, or novella.

At the moment, I’m working on Masquerade, which is book number 10 in my Vampires Realm series. I think it’s likely to be a long novella, somewhere around 50000 words in total. Just shy of a novel. I have the story planned and this time we’re in St Petersburg with the Venia bloodline for a very special Creator Day masquerade. I’ll get to write plenty of old faces in this one, which I’m really looking forward to. I’ve managed to get the first chapter done today despite my muse’s protests. He’s tired from our holiday and having guests over, and just wants to slack off this week.

There’s not much chance of that happening though. I not only have the first draft of Masquerade to get into, but I’m putting together designs for promotional material for prize packs as I have a few big giveaways coming up and want to get some postcards, bookmarks, keyrings, magnets and other items made. I’m also knee-deep in articles and interviews that need my attention. There’s no rest for the wicked it seems. I’ve had my week off and now I’m back in the thick of it.

I have been enjoying the chance to devour a few books over the past week though, and managed to read two of them. I’ll try to get my reviews written up for them and posted soon.

Back to work I go… just wanted to drop by and let you all know what I’ve been up to so you can get a feel for all the crazy stuff that goes into writing my books 🙂

Posted in 2011 releases, Her Angel Series, Her Guardian Angel, Masquerade, paranormal romance, urban fantasy, vampire romance, vampires, Vampires Realm | Comments Off on Her Guardian Angel, Masquerade and more

Plans for 2011 writing and Forbidden Blood

I’m listing to Pete Murray… he makes me think of beautiful Australia… and sunny Cairns… and steals me away from the frosty chill of London.

Well, having finished the read through of Forbidden Blood, it’s fairly clear that it’s going to be the next book I’ll release after Hunter’s Moon. Forbidden Blood is in good shape, with only minor things to address, so I’ll be able to get the polish edit done on it by the date of my ear operation (February 10th). It’s a novel length vampire romance book, currently around 110,000 words. I’m quite excited about releasing it and I keep thinking about writing another book set in the world I’ve created for it. I think readers will enjoy the story though and I can’t wait to release it.

My never ending schedule change is still in progress too. Now that Forbidden Blood is set as the March 26th release, I have to think about the next one. I have a slot on May 7th that I want to use for a pay-for book rather than a freebie. At the moment, I’m set to release Ascension then, which is a witch / demon paranormal romance book, sort of urban fantasy romance.

I’m still planning to release 11 stories in 2011. 8 of those will be pay-for stories and 3 of them will be free ebooks. I’m going to write two stories for my A Day in the Life series, and another story in my Eternity series (Hyperion’s history – sub-series of the Vampires Realm series). I’m also going to polish up the Eternity covers to have them match the other Vampires Realm ones.

At the moment, we’re looking at this sort of ordering for the pay-for stories, with the release dates flexible:

February 26th 2011 – Hunter’s Moon
The next story in the Vampires Realm series, Hunter’s Moon takes us away from Europe to the wilderness of Canada, where Tatyana, a vampire of the Nocens bloodline of Budapest, finds herself at the mercy of an ex-alpha and ex-compound werewolf, Nicolae. And the guy has a serious chip on his shoulder. Sparks will fly!

March 26th 2011 – Forbidden Blood
A dark vampire romance novel, Forbidden Blood is set in London and follows the vampire hero, Kearn, as he fights to catch a man he’s been after for three years. His elusive opponent appears before him in a London back street but a young beautiful woman named Amber hinders Kearn and the man escapes. But all is not lost. The enemy has given Amber a taste of his blood in order to control her and if Kearn’s suspicions are correct, he’ll come after her again. A decision to use her as bait turns into a struggle against a dangerous attraction as they fight to defeat the enemy and protect her life.

May 7th 2011 – Ascension
Ascension is an urban fantasy romance novel, mixing one stubborn half-demon hero, Taig, with his ex-lover and just as stubborn witch heroine, Lealandra. When her life is threatened and her Counter-Balance is killed, Lealandra turns to Taig for protection, but 6 years has done nothing to heal the hurt she caused by leaving him for another man and the coven, and he’s not about to help her without her paying a high price! Lealandra understands why Taig is acting up, but she hasn’t touched another man in all the years they’ve been apart. Her heart has remained constant, and only Taig has been in it. Seeing the pain she caused, Lealandra works to soothe it and hopes to finally help Taig face the issues he has about his demonic heritage and open his heart to her.

July 30th 2011 – Her Guardian Angel
The only novel in the Her Angel series, Her Guardian Angel promises to be a thrill ride from page one. Bringing back all of the angels from the first three novellas, this story is packed full of danger and intrigue, and a hero who will steal your heart. Marcus isn’t interested in his new role of protecting Amelia and posing as her neighbour, but when the two start to grow closer and Marcus discovers that Amelia is about to die, it becomes a race against time to save her life. But will he be successful? Can he stop something that has been foretold?

September 10th 2011 – Heart of Darkness
Set in the beautiful city of Prague in the dead of winter, Heart of Darkness is a novel of passion and possession. Aleksandr, once a prince of his vampire kind, has spent four centuries relentlessly pursuing the relatives of the man who murdered his sister and the constant bloodshed is taking its toll on him, turning him towards the darkness and into the beast all vampires once were. Battling the darkness after killing another hunter, Aleksandr meets Elise, a guard of the Cerny bloodline, and she instantly drives the black from his heart and his mind, restoring his balance. Curiosity about the effect she has on him, and her beauty, drive him to pursue her, but the charm that had once helped him have any woman he wanted fails to have an effect on Elise. If he wants to win her, he will have to change his ways and learn how modern men pursue the women they are falling in love with, but it’s a race against time as the darkness threatens to take control. Only Elise’s love can save him, but even then will it be enough when he faces the last hunter and the end of his vendetta?

October 22nd 2011 – Masquerade
The second story being released in the Vampires Realm series in 2011, Masquerade follows two elite guards as they battle both the threat of vampire hunters and their apparent hatred for each other to protect the lords and ladies of all the pure bloodlines of Europe at the Creator Day masquerade ball! But hate is so close to love, and a dance whilst hidden behind a mask can lead from one thing to another…

December 3rd 2011 – Hellcat
A hunter by trade, he can’t resist the lure of a rare species, but is it wise to fall for a Hellcat? This shape-shifting kitty isn’t about to be caught, certainly not by a hunter, and definitely not by the alpha cat pursuing her across the globe, but the two men might just cancel each other out. It takes little more than a flicker of charm and a sultry smile to win the hunter over, but will he be able to keep her rightful mate off her tail long enough for her to escape? And why the heck is she feeling guilty about using the guy for protection?

There’ll be the three free ebooks in there somewhere too.

I’ll also be squeezing in time this year to write a new Vampires Realm novel for release in early 2012 and the first couple of stories in my Hades’ Boys series… which isn’t the real title. lol. It’s a series of 7 books about some seriously sexy alpha gods (all brothers – their mamma is very proud of her strapping lads) intent on stopping our world and theirs from colliding! I’ll be releasing all 7 novels over 2012, 2013 and 2014. Expect to be blown away.

Posted in 2011 releases, 2012 releases, Ascension, forbidden blood, Hades' Boys, Heart of Darkness, Hellcat, Her Guardian Angel, Hunter's Moon, Masquerade, paranormal romance, Vampires Realm | Comments Off on Plans for 2011 writing and Forbidden Blood

paranormal romance book news

It’s been snowing heavily here in the UK and it’s chaos. I’ve been unable to get to work because of the snow. I’m hoping that tomorrow the weather will be better and trains will be behaving themselves, and I’ll be able to get into work. If I can’t, I’ll have to work from home as best I can.

I’ve been lapse at updating my blog this weekend because the snow has been so distracting. I swear I spent most of Saturday watching it constantly falling. It was snowing for over 6 hours and we ended up with 8 inches in the end. I spent a large part of Sunday tiring myself out with clearing the drive of snowso my husband and next door neighbour wouldn’t skid into the wall of our house when driving into or out of it. There’s a huge bank of snow along the wall now. It’s very pretty outside, and we have an amazing row of icicles along the entire length of the back of the house, but it’s very inconvenient! My cat thinks so too.

This weekend I posted chapter 2 of Love Immortal. If you haven’t read it yet, what are you waiting for? We’re all snowed in together so we might as well read something good to entertain us while we can’t go about our normal lives, right? You can read the second chapter of this upcoming paranormal romance book at the special blog:

You can read the summary at the blog too:

If you want to start on chapter one, then visit the chapters list:

It’s been getting a great reception, which is quite exciting. I have a group of readers who are raring to go on reviewing it for me. I’m looking forward to seeing what they think about the novel. It’s been a while since I released a novel, and this one was a long time in the making.

If you read the chapters, be sure to leave a comment letting me know what you thought about it!

In other news, I’ve finished the second draft of Hunter’s Moon. Hunter’s Moon is the next Vampires Realm series release and it will be available from February 12th 2011, just in time for Valentine’s Day. It’s set away from Europe this time, and follows a Nocens vampire on her mission against the hunters who killed her sire. In deepest Canada, she meets an unlikely ally–an ex-compound werewolf called Nicolae. Can we say forbidden love?

I’ll need to do another edit on the book before it’s ready for proofing and then release. My schedule with this one is going to be rather tight even now that I’ve switched the release date with Love Immortal‘s old one. I can’t imagine I would have had this ready for January 15th! Must have been high on optimism when I decided the original schedule of releases for next year!

I’m really looking forward to releasing Hunter’s Moon. I haven’t had a Vampires Realm release this year, other than the free A Day in the Life stories. I want to get back on track with the series in the next few years. There will be 2 releases in the series next year, and I’m hoping to write 2 more for the following year. Those will probably be longer. Hunter’s Moon is 57000 words, so around short novel length, and Masquerade will likely be around 40000 to 50000 words. I’d like to write another longer novel for the series. I have plenty of them planned. Just need to find the time to write them!

Posted in 2011 releases, Hunter's Moon, Love Immortal, Masquerade, paranormal romance, vampire romance, vampires, Vampires Realm, werewolf romance | Comments Off on paranormal romance book news

romance e-book releases in 2011

I didn’t get a chance to update my blog at the weekend other than posting my new covers, which have received some seriously positive feedback from readers. Thanks to everyone who replied about them. It’s wonderful to hear your views.

I had wanted to talk more about my upcoming releases. 2011 has 11 planned releases, although at the moment there are only 10 definites. They’re all paranormal romance e-books, but there’s a chance that a sci-fi romance novel might sneak its way into the mix. I have so many ideas for stories at the moment that it’s difficult to tell which will be story number 11.

Here’s a breakdown of my planned releases as it stands. This list is subject to change but mostly that means some might get their dates shifted or switched around.

January 15th 2011 – Love Immortal 
Love Immortal is a long paranormal romance novel that mixes vampires,Greek mythology, werewolves, and humans with phenomenal powers into one potent and action-packed book! I think everyone is going to really enjoy this one and I’m very excited about its release. From next week, I’ll be posting a chapter per week at a special blog I’ve set up for the story. Keep your eyes peeled for it!

February 12th 2011 – Hunter’s Moon
Hunter’s Moon will be my Valentine’s Day release of 2011. The next story in the Vampires Realm series, it takes us away from Europe to the wilderness of Canada, where Tatyana, a vampire of the Nocens bloodline of Budapest, finds herself at the mercy of an ex-alpha and ex-compound werewolf, Nicolae. And the guy has a serious chip on his shoulder. Sparks will fly!

March 26th 2011 – Ascension
Ascension is an urban fantasy romance novel, mixing one stubborn half-demon hero, Taig, with his ex-lover and just as stubborn witch heroine, Lealandra. When her life is threatened and her Counter-Balance is killed, Lealandra turns to Taig for protection, but 6 years has done nothing to heal the hurt she caused by leaving him for another man and the coven, and he’s not about to help her without her paying a high price! Lealandra understands why Taig is acting up, but she hasn’t touched another man in all the years they’ve been apart. Her heart has remained constant, and only Taig has been in it. Seeing the pain she caused, Lealandra works to soothe it and hopes to finally help Taig face the issues he has about his demonic heritage and open his heart to her.

May 7th 2011 – Her Guardian Angel
The only novel in the Her Angel series, Her Guardian Angel promises to be a thrill ride from page one. Bringing back all of the angels from the first three novellas, this story is packed full of danger and intrigue, and a hero who will steal your heart. Marcus isn’t interested in his new role of protecting Amelia and posing as her neighbour, but when the two start to grow closer and Marcus discovers that Amelia is about to die, it becomes a race against time to save her life. But will he be successful? Can he stop something that has been foretold?

June 18th 2011 – Masquerade
The second story being released in the Vampires Realm series in 2011, Masquerade follows two elite guards as they battle both the threat of vampire hunters and their apparent hatred for each other to protect the lords and ladies of all the pure bloodlines of Europe at the Creator Day masquerade ball! But hate is so close to love, and a dance whilst hidden behind a mask can lead from one thing to another…

July 30th 2011 – Forbidden Blood
A dark vampire romance novel, Forbidden Blood is set in London and follows the vampire hero, Kearn, as he fights to catch a man he’s been after for three years. His elusive opponent appears before him in a London back street but a young beautiful woman named Amber hinders Kearn and the man escapes. But all is not lost. The enemy has given Amber a taste of his blood in order to control her and if Kearn’s suspicions are correct, he’ll come after her again. A decision to use her as bait turns into a struggle against a dangerous attraction as they fight to defeat the enemy and protect her life.

September 10th 2011 – Darkness & Light
A longer and improved adaptation of my previous and first release in the Tri-Kingdom series, Darkness & Light.

September 10th 2011 – The Night
An improved adaptation of my previous and second release in the Tri-Kingdom series, The Night.

October 22nd 2011 – Heart of Darkness
Set in the beautiful city of Prague in the dead of winter, Heart of Darkness is a novel of passion and possession. Aleksandr, once a prince of his vampire kind, has spent four centuries relentlessly pursuing the relatives of the man who murdered his sister and the constant bloodshed is taking its toll on him, turning him towards the darkness and into the beast all vampires once were. Battling the darkness after killing another hunter, Aleksandr meets Elise, a guard of the Cerny bloodline, and she instantly drives the black from his heart and his mind, restoring his balance. Curiosity about the effect she has on him, and her beauty, drive him to pursue her, but the charm that had once helped him have any woman he wanted fails to have an effect on Elise. If he wants to win her, he will have to change his ways and learn how modern men pursue the women they are falling in love with, but it’s a race against time as the darkness threatens to take control. Only Elise’s love can save him, but even then will it be enough when he faces the last hunter and the end of his vendetta?

December 3rd 2011 – Hellcat
A hunter by trade, he can’t resist the lure of a rare species, but is it wise to fall for a Hellcat? This shape-shifting kitty isn’t about to be caught, certainly not by a hunter, and definitely not by the alpha cat pursuing her across the globe, but the two men might just cancel each other out. It takes little more than a flicker of charm and a sultry smile to win the hunter over, but will he be able to keep her rightful mate off her tail long enough for her to escape? And why the heck is she feeling guilty about using the guy for protection?

Phew, that was a lot of writing! Now I just have to decide which story to write for the eleventh one!


Posted in 2011 releases, Ascension, forbidden blood, Heart of Darkness, Hellcat, Her Guardian Angel, Hunter's Moon, Love Immortal, Masquerade | Comments Off on romance e-book releases in 2011

Vampires Realm paranormal romance series

I’ve been hard at work this week on my Vampires Realm series. I’ve now planned the next story after Hunter’s Moon. Masquerade will feature plenty of familiar faces, and plenty of new faces too. Being set in familiar territory at the Venia mansion, and featuring so many previous characters in the series, it took a bit of research to get everything sorted for the story. I’m pretty much there now and hopefully I can start writing it soon. There’s another story to write before that, and I need to proof Love Immortal and edit Hunter’s Moon too.

Masquerade is pencilled in for a mid-June release, around 6 months after I’ve released Hunter’s Moon. Plenty of time to get the story written and edited. I might need to do some more planning for it, or at least study the previous Vampires Realm stories so I have all my reference material right and know the characters I’ll be bringing into it. It’s quite exciting to write something with the previous characters in it. I’ve always liked the Creator Day masquerade as an idea so it should be fun to write an entire story that revolves around it and the freedom it gives to the vampires of the pure bloodlines.

I wish I could start writing it now, but I have to stick to schedule, no matter how much the muse wants me to swerve off in another direction instead.

I also read the first draft of Hunter’s Moon over this week. I finished that this morning. The story is in good shape but there’s things that I want to fix and improve. There always is when I read a first draft over. It’s better to catch them now than during the polishing stages when deadlines are tighter. I’m away next weekend so I’ll put this story on hold until I return, which is why I’m squeezing in a quick proof of Love Immortal next week.

Love Immortal is the next story due out after Hunter’s Moon. This time it’s a novel… and a big one. I bet you’ve all been missing my novel-length stories! It’s a doozy at 157000 words too. I think everyone is going to love it and I put a lot of work into this one, so much that I have to up my game with all my other stories now to match it.

I’m still hoping that I get some time to read something other than my own stories soon. The flight to Barcelona is only a couple of hours but I might crack open Lara Adrian’s Shades of Midnight. I keep flicking through it and I really want to read it now. I like her Breed series, probably more than I like J R Ward’s Black Dagger Brotherhood series. Don’t get me wrong, I love the BDB series, but Ward is sort of losing me a bit. Plus, I do prefer Lara Adrian’s style and way of writing. I get confused with the lingo in Ward’s BDB series.

Next year is going to be super-busy for me as I’m going to release 11 stories in 2011… I’ll post an update about that mad master plan soon!

Posted in 2011 releases, Hunter's Moon, Love Immortal, Masquerade, paranormal romance, vampire romance, vampires, Vampires Realm, werewolf romance | Comments Off on Vampires Realm paranormal romance series