Category Archives: Unleash

WIP Wednesday – The first draft of Unleash is underway and Snow is on the loose!


The first draft of the final book in my Vampire Erotic Theatre romance series is underway!

It’s the one everyone has been waiting for. Yes, Snow is on the loose and he’s finally going to get a female in his life.

I’ve been nervous about writing this book, and those nerves have increased a hundredfold every time I’ve released a book in the series because reader expectations have been rising along with the sheer number of Snow’s fans. I feel I have a high bar to hit with this one, and I’m woman enough to admit that it scares me.

I experienced a similar bout of fear when I began writing Her Demonic Angel, because everyone had said amazing things about Her Guardian Angel, most of the time mentioning that they couldn’t wait to see where things were going to go and that the next book was going to be something awesome. Yes, I suffered nerves. Cold sweats. Complete writer’s block. Okay, not complete, but as complete as I get it. I still wrote, I was just slower and had more doubts about the book.

I’m getting over my nerves about Unleash now though. I think Snow’s book is going to satisfy his fans, although I’m certain that the heroine won’t be receiving much love from readers as she’s stealing Snow’s heart. It’s a very complex relationship, and I see plenty of scenes where readers will be angry with a character in the book, crying for some reason, or just fanning themselves.

I’m 32000 words into the book so far, and we’re just getting going. I’ve completed my outline for it now, taking almost a full day away from writing the book today to get it done. Time constraints and a deadline to start writing the book conspired to have me beginning the first draft without a full outline for the book. I was working with a basic outline of events and sheets of scene notes that were all numbered. It was hard work flitting between that basic outline, to whatever number I had scrawled in the margin next to a certain event. Now I have a full outline, and I couldn’t be happier. I compiled it all today, and added 6000 words of either new notes or changes to make everything fit.

Judging by the outline now, I have around 11 chapters left to write, and that will probably bring the completed first draft up to around 75000 words in total. That’s 11000 longer than Bewitch, and 20000 longer than Seduce. There’s a chance it could end up longer too.

I’ll let you all know how it goes!

I can’t wait to begin sharing snippets with you all!

Posted in paranormal romance, Unleash, Vampire Erotic Theatre, vampire romance, writing | 6 Comments

WIP Wednesday – A New Series, Plus Updates on Bonded By Blood and Unleash

Bonded by Blood - Vampire Romance Series by Felicity Heaton


It’s been a while since I’ve blogged about my writing projects and what I’ve been doing. I’ve been super busy trying to catch up with everything after coming back from my holiday. It’s taken longer than expected, and I’m still not fully caught up yet. I’ve had to drop some of my regular blogging in favour of just keeping on top of other things, and I’m still behind!

I have been able to get some work done on two of the projects I was meant to be working on over the past week and a half, plus I added a new project to that work schedule too.

I don’t exactly need a new project right now, but I’m glad this idea came to me and I’ve had fun exploring it. I’m going to keep exploring it too. I don’t have a name for the series just yet, but it involves a world full of different dimensions, a whole cast of fae species from humans to demons and angels, to elves, vampires, shifters, werewolves, and lesser known fae species, plus demigods and demigoddesses, and sorceresses, etc. I already have around 18,000 words of notes for the series, and solid ideas for the first three books. I’m torn between the first three heroes too and really love their heroines, which is unsual for me. Normally, it’s the heroes who are in control when I’m planning books, not the heroines. They tend to keep quiet and let the man do the talking. These heroines have been really brash, chatty, and pushy. It makes a change, and it’s a nice one. I like being able to have scene ideas from both the hero and heroines POV, and having a clear image of the heroine in my head in terms of her personality, history, etc. Like I said, it doesn’t happen often. The train station in my head is normally filled with a lot of testosterone filled males trying to push me around. I rely on the muse to keep them in line. I’m not sure the muse knows what to do with the trio of women in my head. He’s wary of females, because they don’t often want to play poker with him, unless it’s in the strip sense. My muse tends to subdue impatient heroes with poker. He has little skill or experience in subduing females.

I’ve also been working on the Bonded by Blood series for my agent. The first book is shaping up but so much about the series is still unclear to me. I think that it’s always this way for me when I’m trying to plan a series that has a linear story arc running throughout all the books. I need to know roughly where it’s going in each book and what gets revealed, what we learn about the overall plot of the series and the antagonists. It is much harder to plan a series where the books are linked in that way. I think that’s why I have three clear novel plots for the new series I mentioned above, but I’m struggling with this one. The new idea isn’t a series linked by a single plot arc. It’s more like Vampires Realm, and it’s linked by the world. That’s what I’m used to writing and it always offers more scope. I can bounce around tackling different ideas and plots, with the option of linking them up to other books if that’s how the book wants to go. Bonded by Blood is more like my Guardians of Hades series that I’ve been working on in that it has a single antagonist behind the plot that will run throughout the series, and it’s a slow reveal as to who that person is. It does take a lot more thinking, planning, and general brain power to pull the whole series together, and you have to know how it’s going to go for at least the first three books and what will happen in the end.

The other book I’ve been working on is Unleash, which will be the sixth book in my Vampire Erotic Theatre romance series and is Snow’s book. Did I hear screams of joy then? Who threw those panties?

Yes, I’ve been trying to cajole Snow into telling me all about his romance and what happened in it. He’s been quite elusive, which isn’t like the big fella, but we’re slowly piecing together the outline of his novel. The trouble is, it’s likely to be longer than I had originally planned (surprise, surprise! what is it with these boys? They always want a longer book than I want to give them) so it will take longer to write and edit to near-perfection. I really wanted the book to come out in April for my birthday, but the calendar is telling me that is nigh on impossible when I factor in my commitments to pulling together the Bonded by Blood series for my agent, and working on the outline and first drafts of other stories I want to release in 2013, such as the next Her Angel book and maybe another Vampires Realm story, although that series isn’t doing very well for me right now, so I’m not feeling inclined to write it at the moment.

I’ll be lucky if Unleash will become available in May or June. I can’t really set a date for it at the moment. I know you’re eager for the book, but I won’t put anything out there that isn’t ready to be released. Patience. As soon as it’s ready, it will come out.

It doesn’t seem I’ve been making much progress of late does it? I’ve been all over the place and lacking focus, but I’m pulling it back together now and I think that by the time the New Year rolls around, I’ll be back on form and whizzing through these projects!


Posted in 2013 releases, angel romance, Blood Lust, Bonded by Blood, Her Angel Series, paranormal romance, Unleash, Vampire Erotic Theatre, vampire romance | 4 Comments

WIP Wednesday – Bewitch (Vampire Erotic Theatre Romance Series Book 5) with sneak peek excerpt!


I’ve been working hard on getting Bewitch, the fifth book in my extremely popular Vampire Erotic Theatre romance series, ready for release in the New Year. I had wanted to get the book out sooner, but I don’t think it’s going to be possible at all. I’m now aiming to get the book ready for advance reviewers to receive copies by mid-December. I think that’s totally reasonable considering that I’m reading the book over a few times while I’m on long plane journeys during my vacation right now.

I left the book in very good shape after the second draft and I’m really happy with how it has turned out, even though it’s longer than Seduce, so I’ll have to change the cover since it still says novella! It’s a short novel now, over 60,000 words in total. I had figured out at a very early stage when writing the first draft that the book was not going to come in around 40,000 words like most of the books in the series. There was just too much happening in this one because of the fae underworld setting and Payne’s mission to help Andreu and Varya.

I’m keeping my fingers crossed that everyone else will like how Bewitch has turned out, but it will come with a warning. It does contain some light BDSM (mostly Payne being bound and taking the odd bit of whipping) and I know it isn’t everyone’s cup of tea, but Payne is a very dark horse with a very dark past. I promise there’s sweet stuff to balance out the spicy and wicked, and lighter moments to balance out the darkness.

Here’s a sneak peek at the book to keep you all excited about the next story in the series. I know most of you are probably eager for Snow’s book, Unleash. Don’t panic. I will be writing it when I get back from my vacation so hopefully I’ll have the first draft of the book done before I take a break over Christmas.

Continue reading

Posted in Bewitch, paranormal romance, Unleash, Vampire Erotic Theatre, vampire romance | 3 Comments

Works in Progress – Updates on Vampire Erotic Theatre and Bonded by Blood paranormal romance series

I can’t believe that it’s already November. Where did the year go? It’s incredible and feels as though it was January just yesterday and I was planning what I would be doing this year. Of course, I hadn’t expected my plans to change so dramatically because of having an agent interested in representing me! That was a nice surprise.



I’ve just completed the second draft of Bewitch and I know some of you are eager for this book to come out. I would love to get it released sooner than the anticipated January date, but unfortunately I’m away for a few weeks in November, so I won’t have the book done in time. I solemnly swear that it will be worth the wait and that it will come out in January 2013. I know, it seems like a long way away, but look at just how quickly this whole year has gone. January will be around in no time at all!

I’m always aware when writing any book in the Vampire Erotic Theatre romance series that I have to keep upping the stakes, the drama and the heat. I think the reader reviews make that very clear to me as each time you guys are talking about how this book was the best and topped the others. I really hope that you’ll all enjoy Bewitch as much as you’ve enjoyed the first four books in the series, Covet, Crave, Seduce and Enslave! It’s a bit longer than the others, and a bit dark at times, and also a little bit more wicked. I don’t normally go in for writing the naughtier side of passion, but Payne is just that kind of guy. Blame it on his mixed genes. Expect some light BDSM stuff in this one. It’s not full on, mostly some bondage and a little pain/pleasure.

In other Vampire Erotic Theatre romance series news, I’m currently working with a German translator on Crave and Seduce and I hope we’ll have them both available on Amazon and other stores before the end of the year. We will then be translating Enslave into German, and hopefully we’ll get Bewitch done too. Covet is already available in German. Links to Begehren are available on the Covet page.


Bonded by Blood - Vampire Romance Series by Felicity Heaton


I’ve also been spending time over the past two weeks writing down ideas for my new vampire romance series, Bonded by Blood. I’m writing Bonded by Blood for my agent, the wonderful Jenn at Spencer Hill Associates. I’m really hoping that I can get together the outline for the first book, Blood Lust, and the series arc for the three books, plus the required material by the new year and hopefully it will go down well and we’ll be able to go ahead and start doing the rounds with the series to see just who in the publishing world might want it. It’s been great thinking about the book and delving into the idea I had for the series, and I have almost 10,000 words of notes for the first book and the series. I don’t want to rush formulating and exploring the idea, but I think I almost have the first book figured out in my head. It’s complicated, as always, and packed with passion, and sexy vampire warriors.

Of course, the minute I finished editing Bewitch, I picked up my husband’s cold. Now I’m under the weather and not feeling like working, but I’m doing my best to soldier on so I don’t fall behind in my schedule before I go away in a week’s time.

When I get back from my vacation, I’ll be finishing Bewitch and then working on the Bonded by Blood series, and then it will be time to plan Unleash, which will be Snow’s book in the Vampire Erotic Theatre romance series.

Excited about the new stories and the new series? If you have any questions about any of my books or my series, or future releases, please don’t be shy. Ask any question you want in the comments section and I’ll be sure to answer it!


Posted in 2013 releases, Bewitch, Blood Lust, Bonded by Blood, paranormal romance, Unleash, Vampire Erotic Theatre, vampire romance, writing | 6 Comments

What am I working on next? Vampire Erotic Theatre series and Vampires Realm series

Now that I’ve completed the first draft of the first book in my Guardians of Hades series, I will be shifting my focus back to my vampires and in particular my two series: Vampires Realm and Vampire Erotic Theatre.

I’m sure many of you are pleased to see those two series mentioned here under the heading of what I’ll be working on next. I have three books to write for these two series. Two of the books are in the Vampire Erotic Theatre romance series, and the third book is the next novel in my Vampires Realm romance series that I write as F E Heaton.

I don’t think I really need to say whose books I will be writing for my Vampire Erotic Theatre series. First up will be Payne’s book, Bewitch. I’m focusing on convincing him to talk to me at the moment and tell me about his life, his love, and his romance story. The more I talk to Payne about his story and listen to what he has to say, and also listen to his heroine and what she has to say on the matter, the darker this book becomes. I hope you like a little edge to your romance. I’ll try to rein Payne in a little, but the guy has a lot of trauma in his past and he’s seriously screwed up beneath that cool exterior. I’ll reveal all in his book, but right now I will admit that he’s going to challenge both Antoine and Snow when it comes to who has the most traumatic life. Expect fireworks from Payne’s book. We’re heading into the fae underworld and Payne is going to have to face his demons if he wants to return to Vampirerotique with the item he set out to find. The witch he meets is going to drive a hard bargain, and it’s one that might just break Payne and destroy them both if they’re not careful. I don’t think his little witch realises just how hot the fire she’s playing with is… but she’s going to find out!

I’ve also been listening to Snow a little over the past few weeks. Snow likes to bend my ear whenever I have a moment to spare. Snow’s heroine is also quite quick to take advantage of any down time that I have. It’s unusual for a heroine to be so communicative. I always find that it’s the heroes who talk the most and the loudest, and the heroines tend to be the quieter, calmer character. I think it’s because I often write romances focused on the hero rather than the heroine. It’s often the heroes story and the heroine is almost the secondary character. I’m fairly certain that there are some readers among you who are excited to hear that Snow has been quite communicative about his story and we’re already working on the outline for his novel. I think Snow’s heroine is so chatty about him and herself because she’s known him for a long time.

The other vampire romance book I’ve been writing down ideas and scenes for, and talking to the hero and heroine, is in my Vampires Realm series. I’ve been chatting to Tor and Eve, who will become the hero and heroine in Hunger, which is the next Vampires Realm novel. Tor doesn’t really say much so I have to bleed him dry whenever he risks talking about himself. He’s very closed off and distant, but I’ve managed to get some interesting information out of him regarding his past and his future too. Eve is another talkative heroine. Readers familiar with the Vampires Realm series may already know that she’s: a) Lilith’s twin sister, and a vampire now; b) Has been found by their vampire father; c) Was mentioned as being with Tor in Masquerade. Addicted readers of the series will probably have already read the short scene I wrote as a flash fiction (a scene under 1000 words) with Lincoln and Tor. I really think that readers are going to love Tor. He’s damaged goods, a lone hunter for his bloodline, has serious darkness in his past, and is treated worse than a dog (or a werewolf) by most vampires in his bloodline. He’s loyal, strong, lethal, and as likely to kill you as he is look at you. I can easily see him stealing some hearts during his book.

I will hopefully start writing Bewitch next week once I have the outline completed. When I’m done with the first draft of that book, I will probably start writing Snow’s book, Unleash, or will at least plan it before I edit another book.

Are we all excited about the books I’ll be working on next?


Posted in 2013 releases, Bewitch, Hunger, paranormal romance, Unleash, Vampire Erotic Theatre, vampire romance, Vampires Realm | 1 Comment

Guardians of Hades Book One Complete in First Draft


I’m very excited to announce that I finished the first draft of the very first book in the Guardians of Hades series today. I had two chapters to write, one of which was a nice big fight scene. You know I love to write fight scenes! I completed that this morning and then took a break before writing the final chapter which wrapped up everything in the book. The book ended up being 107,000 words in total, and I expect it to expand and shrink throughout the editing process. I am exhausted now, both physically and mentally. It’s always amazing how mentally taxing writing a book can be, and how quickly you can get exhausted when writing. I think I need a break now, so it’s good that my next project is proofreading Her Demonic Angel so it’s ready for release next weekend.

My word count for the year has risen nicely thanks to this first Guardians of Hades book. It now stands at 339,500 words written since January 2012, and means that I’m 60,500 words shy of my target of 400,000 words and it’s only just September. I’ll easily cover those and more when writing Bewitch and Unleash in the VET series. It’s exciting to see so many words have flowed from my fingers this year. I seem to go in cycles of writing years and editing years. Last year was definitely an editing year. This year is very much a writing year as I’ll be getting books done in first draft that will come out next year.

I’m really pleased with this first book in the Guardians of Hades series though, and I’ll be sharing a few more snippets with you over the coming months to give you all a better taste of the book and give you an idea what to expect from the series as a whole. I hope you’ll all like it. It’s my usual brand of passionate paranormal romance packed with emotional intensity, action and intrigue, and some big shiny twists!

Now, I had better get working on Her Demonic Angel or it won’t be ready in time for next Saturday! I don’t think you’d like it to end up delayed, would you?

Once I’m done with proofreading Her Demonic Angel, I’ll be planning Bewitch and Unleash, and then writing Bewitch. I’m looking forward to delving back into the Vampire Erotic Theatre series and learning more about Payne.


Posted in Bewitch, Guardians of Hades, Her Angel Series, Her Demonic Angel, paranormal romance, Unleash, Vampire Erotic Theatre, writing | Comments Off on Guardians of Hades Book One Complete in First Draft

Covet Book Tour delves into the world of Vampirerotique and other Vampire Erotic Theatre news

Hot on the heels of my first date in my Covet Book Tour where I stopped by Riverina Romantics for an interview and shared an excerpt, plus giveaway, I’m visiting the fabulous Bona Fide Reflections and talking about the book, Covet, and the theatre, Vampirerotique!

Don’t forget, if you comment on the tour posts, you’re also entered into my grand giveaway for six signed paperback copies of my paranormal romance releases of 2011. Sounds good, right? You can read all about it by clicking the book tour button.

On Friday, I’ll be at the wonderful Book Monster Reviews and Literal Addiction interviewing Javier and Lilah about the theatre. Full details of the tour is available on my Covet Book Tour page. The tour schedule gets busy after this week, with another four stops next week, three the week after, and four the week after that!

In other Vampire Erotic Theatre series news, I’ve just completed the first draft of Enslave. It finished at 33500 words but I think this one will grow a little in edits as I want to up the UST in the first half of the book. I really want to write the next book in the series, Bewitch, now so I can finally write Snow’s book, Unleash, but I can’t.

Since Enslave is the final planned release in the series for the year, it means I have to switch my focus to another of my series that actually has a release schedule for 2012. I have to read Her Guardian Angel so I can plan and write Her Demonic Angel. Since I plan to release that book this September, I really need to get cracking on it. It’s a hard life but someone has to live it. I was going to read Her Guardian Angel when I’m in Barcelona over the next couple of days but I think I’ll read something by Lara Adrian or Gena Showalter instead. I need a break from work.

Posted in Bewitch, Book Tours, Covet, Enslave, Her Angel Series, Her Demonic Angel, Her Guardian Angel, paranormal romance, Unleash, Vampire Erotic Theatre, vampire romance | Comments Off on Covet Book Tour delves into the world of Vampirerotique and other Vampire Erotic Theatre news

SEDUCE (Vampire Erotic Theatre Romance Series #3) completed in first draft and series news

Although I probably should have rested my shoulder yesterday, as it has been very bad for the past week or so and was hurting when I was writing, I ignored it and battled through the pain with the help of some meds. I know that probably isn’t a wise thing, but I really needed to write and nothing can stop me when the mood strikes, especially when it strikes as hard as it did yesterday.

My word count and progress on Seduce rose nicely yesterday, bringing me 9000 words closer to the end and up to around 40,000 words. Seduce is turning out a little longer than the first two books in the Vampire Erotic Theatre series, but I think that’s because Antoine has a lot in his past that he needs to get off his chest and then there’s the whole thing with Snow, his older brother. Now that’s a relationship you don’t want to come between, although I’m beginning to suspect there are a large number of readers willing to play host to Snow’s darkest desires. He’s gaining himself quite a fan club. Or should that be fang club?

This morning I woke up and my shoulder was mercifully feeling much better. It’s still dodgy, but it no longer hurts when I’m writing. My back is also acting up less. I bought a new office chair when I became a full time writer but I think I need something better for my posture. I have sucky posture. My own fault for living in front of a computer screen.

Back to Seduce.

I brought the book to a satisfying conclusion this afternoon, finishing with it standing at 45,000 words. It will probably grow a little when I edit it, or maybe it will shrink. There are a few things to iron out as the story shifted directions a few times when I was writing it but I’m sure a read through pre-edit will highlight anything that needs tweaking.

Now that Seduce is done, I will be moving on to planning the next three stories in the series, and also the next novel in the Her Angel series. Yes, my astute lovelies, you did read that right. I won’t be ending the Vampire Erotic Theatre series on book 4. I am having far too much fun in this world and two candidates have stepped forwards, making their first appearance in Seduce, as the heroes of the extra books.

What does this mean and when the heck do I get my Snow fix? I hear you crying it.

It makes sense for the books to be added in at position 4 and 5, so Snow’s book will be moved to book 6. He deserves the finale and I have more I want to do with him before we get to see his story unfold. I think it works better for the series if his book doesn’t follow hot on the heels of Antoine’s. It makes life far too easy for the brother’s, and we all know I’m all about giving my heroes a hard time.

The first hero has already been mentioned in Covet, but not by name. He’s Javier’s brother, Andreu. The second is another elite vampire with a bit of a secret, and his name is Payne.

Andreu will now be the hero in Enslave, as that book title suits his story far more than it suits Snow’s.
Payne’s book will be entitled Bewitch.
Snow’s book is tentatively entitled Unleash.

So, the running order of the series is now as follows:
#1 – Covet (Javier and Lilah) – out now.
#2 – Crave (Callum and Kristina) – 10th March
#3 – Seduce (Antoine and Sera) – 23rd June
#4 – Enslave (Andreu and ?) – 4th August
#5 – Bewitch (Payne and ?) – 2013
#6 – Unleash (Snow and ?) – 2013

I’d love to get them out quicker but I need to tour with them and give myself time to promote them, and I also need to release Masquerade in my Vampires Realm series and Her Demonic Angel in my Her Angel series.

In other news, I’m considering writing a werewolf equivalent to Vampire Erotic Theatre next year. Interested?

I feel I should duck and cover to avoid the angry swings of the women of the Snow fan club. I promise, you’ll get a dose of him in each book!

Posted in Bewitch, Covet, Enslave, paranormal romance, Seduce, Unleash, Vampire Erotic Theatre, vampire romance, writing | Comments Off on SEDUCE (Vampire Erotic Theatre Romance Series #3) completed in first draft and series news