Category Archives: About my Romance Books

Talking Tuesday – Character Q&A With Antoine from the Vampire Erotic Theatre Series

Welcome to my new feature, Talking Tuesday!

Every Tuesday, I’ll either be answering questions myself, or posing questions to one of my characters from my paranormal romance books. All of these questions are submitted to me by my awesome readers at my Fang Club, a Facebook Group where I chat with my readers. Asking questions is exclusive to members of my Fang Club, so if you want to get in on the action, you’ll have to join the group.

This week, I had the task of posing questions to Antoine, one of the managers at Vampirerotique, a vampire theatre in the heart of London and the central focus of my Vampire Erotic Theatre Series. You can read Antoine’s romance in Seduce.

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Posted in character interviews, paranormal romance, Seduce, Vampire Erotic Theatre, vampire romance | 5 Comments

WIP Wednesday – Unchained by a Forbidden Love Update


I took a break from writing Unchained by a Forbidden Love to treat myself to a little Staycation back in September, but now I’m back at it and I’m making progress on Fuery and Shaia’s book in the Eternal Mates series.

Progress is slower than I would like, and I’ve been struggling a little. Sometimes, it’s hard for an author to constantly pump out words. I like to think of my creativity as a sort of tank. When it’s full, I have the fuel to go wild and go fast, and words flow effortlessly onto the page. When it’s empty, I find myself fighting for each word, and the energy to put them on the page.

With Fuery’s book, my tank is fluctuating between full and empty so quickly it’s dizzying! On Monday, I managed to hit my quota of 6000 words, bringing Unchained by a Forbidden Love up to 55,000 words in total and leaving me with 12 chapters to write. Yesterday was my day off. Today, I’m staring at the page where I left off and trying to muster some energy, a little bit of fuel in that tank, just enough to get my going.

My mind is all over the place right now, which isn’t helping. I’m not talking about the writerly things I have to do, like putting my newsletter together or checking the audio edition of Awakened by a Demoness. I’m talking, planting spring bulbs in my garden because the weather looks like it will stay dry and I have a stack of bulbs that need to go in ASAP, or planning our vacation to Canada that will be happening next spring/summer to celebrate my 40th (I’ve dreamed of going to Canada since I was small). It’s all there, tempting me to ignore that line in my planner that says I should write 6000 words on Unchained by a Forbidden Love today.

I’m sure you’re all familiar with real life getting in the way of doing the things you want to do / should be doing!

I think getting this blog post ticked off my list will help, but I feel finding my focus today is going to be a fight. I’ll find it somehow though, even if it’s only enough to write a couple thousand words.

Hopefully by my next WIP Wednesday post, I’ll be able to say I’m now at 80,000 words done…

Wish me words!

As always, my comments are open, and I’d love to hear from you!

Felicity Heaton

Posted in Eternal Mates, paranormal romance, Unchained by a Forbidden Love, writing | 1 Comment

Manday Hotties – So Bleu for you

This week, I’m still thinking about heroes from my Eternal Mates series of paranormal romance books.

This time, it’s Bleu on my mind. I’m thinking about him today because I just hit the big old approve button on the audio book version of story Possessed by a Dark Warrior. My narrator has done an amazing job on this one, and you’re going to LOVE it!

So, here’s some hunks to get you thinking of Bleu while you wait for the audio book to hit stores…





All of these guys are just the way I picture Bleu. They’re dark, dangerous and damned sexy!

What do you think? Do they match your image of Bleu?

As always, my comments are open, and I’d love to hear from you!

Felicity Heaton

Posted in Eternal Mates, Inspiration, Manday hotties, Possessed by a Dark Warrior | 3 Comments

Manday Hotties – A little bit of Fuery

We all need a little inspiration, and I always used to love posting my Manday Hotties every Monday, so I’m bringing it back whenever I have the time, which will hopefully be every week! Some weeks, I’ll focus on character inspiration, and other weeks I’ll do celebrity specials or themes.

This week, I’m thinking Fuery. He’s on my mind every day at the moment as I’m writing his book, UNCHAINED BY A FORBIDDEN LOVE, in the Eternal Mates series. I like to think that if these hot hunks had longer hair, they would be the perfect candidate to play Fuery, my dark and dangerous elf.

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These hotties have the perfect build for Fuery, and the right looks, and even the dark hair. They just need it a little longer, and those ears a little pointier!

What do you think? Do they match your image of Fuery?

As always, my comments are open, and I’d love to hear from you!

Felicity Heaton

Posted in Eternal Mates, Inspiration, Manday hotties, Unchained by a Forbidden Love | 3 Comments

When Inspiration Strikes – The Power of Music

Sometimes, I find inspiration in the simplest things. It can be subtle, like a stirring in the back of my mind that I don’t really notice at first, and it can be a thunderbolt. It can strike me hard, right down to my soul.

Today, I was looking around on iTunes for new music, something that seems to happen with alarming regularity… I’m a music whore. Honestly, I can buy albums and listen to them non-stop, well beyond the point where most people would be sick of hearing the same tunes. But, I find myself quickly aching for something new, something fresh. I have so much music, I could probably find that fresh, new feel among the albums and bands I haven’t listened to for a while.

I digress. Let’s get back to why I suddenly felt the need to blog.

So, I’m looking on iTunes, scoping out all my favourite bands (Seether, 30 Seconds to Mars, Red, The Starting Line, Tupelo Honey, 3 Doors Down, Lifehouse and the list goes on) and I’m finding nothing new… so I’m going to give up.

And then I see in the list of similar bands to one of my favourites that an OLD favourite, Breaking Benjamin, has a new ablum out after forever and ever and ever (yeah, it’s been a while, I’m not forgiving them for that). So I check out the new album, and…


It’s like a thunderbolt, and it hits me hard in my soul.

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Posted in Eternal Mates, Inspiration, paranormal romance, soundtrack, Unchained by a Forbidden Love, writing | Comments Off on When Inspiration Strikes – The Power of Music

Treasured by a Tiger (Eternal Mates Paranormal Romance Series Book 14) by Felicity Heaton – Cover Reveal

treasured by a tiger - cover reveal


Treasured by a Tiger (Eternal Mates Paranormal Romance Series Book 14)


About the Book

Treasured by a Tiger (Eternal Mates Romance Series Book 14)
Felicity Heaton
Despised by his tiger shifter pride as an abomination, Grey has ventured far from home, deep into the bowels of Hell in search of answers about the machinations of Archangel, the mortal hunter organisation who held his twin captive. With no knowledge of the realm, and little skill with the local languages, he quickly finds himself at a dead end—until he crosses paths with a beautiful hellcat female who rouses his darkest most dangerous instincts.

Lyra has been a fool, falling for the charms of a male whose only desire was to make a fast buck by selling her. Shackled and collared, her strength muted by magic, she awaits her time on the stage at a black-market auction, but before it can come, all hell breaks loose and she seizes a chance to escape—and runs straight into a majestic warrior who steals her breath away and tempts her like no other as he battles alone to free everyone.

When Lyra offers her services as a translator to repay Grey for saving her, will he be strong enough to resist the needs she awakens in him and spare himself the pain of her inevitable rejection when she discovers the truth about him? And when the powerful male in charge of the slave ring starts a bloody hunt for Lyra, can she escape another collar and find the courage to trust the tiger who is capturing her heart?


Pre-order Links | | |
iBooks USA | iBooks UK | iBooks Canada | iBooks Australia | iBooks New Zealand
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The special sneak preview for Treasured by a Tiger begins on September 3rd, exclusive to Felicity’s mailing list. Every subscriber is entered into the giveaway to win a signed personalised paperback copy of Treasured by a Tiger, with a chance to win a copy in each of the three exclusive sneak peek chapters being sent out on September 3rd, 5th and 7th.

Not only will joining her mailing list ensure you’re in with a chance of winning one of the signed copies of Treasured by a Tiger, it means you’ll start receiving her newsletters, where she gives away 2 x $25 Amazon Gift Cards in each issue, and rewards subscribers with exclusive excerpts, teasers, flash fiction and cover reveals, and plenty of fun! Plus, you’ll receive FOUR FREE EBOOKS in her Series Starter Library just for signing up!

Join her newsletter at:



Someone peered over his shoulder.

A black clawed finger landed on the piece of paper in front of him, close to his. “Here.”

Grey jumped and growled at the male beside him. The warlock. Wizard. Whatever the hell he wanted to be called. He reeked of magic and death.

Even the succubus backed off, her usual bright smile and sultry air turning cold and dark. She said something, and the male said something back at her, a bite in his tone.

“You speak English?” Grey didn’t want to talk to the male, but he wasn’t going to get anywhere speaking with the bartender or anyone else in the joint.

The male didn’t nod.

Not a good sign.

“This is here?” He pointed to the name on the piece of paper again.

The male nodded and looked around. “Here.”

It was a start.

“You speak her tongue?” Grey pointed towards the bartender. “Speak. Her.”

The male frowned, his icy green eyes darkening a shade, and looked at the female, and then back at him. “Yes.”

Getting there.

But the male didn’t really understand him. He couldn’t ask complicated questions and have him relay them to the bartender for her to answer, and the male wouldn’t know the answer to them himself since he was clearly just passing through and using the village as a rest stop.

He needed to boil it down into something the male might understand.

“Mortals. Humans.” It was worth a shot. He pointed to himself. “I’m looking for mortals.”

The male’s eyes lit up. He pointed east. “Mortals.”

Grey looked in that direction. East. The dragon realm and the Devil’s lands were east of here. He slid his blue gaze back to the male, his hackles rising and his animal side growing restless, prowling beneath his skin.

Was the male telling him the truth?

“Mortals?” Grey pointed east, along the length of the bar.

The male nodded and attempted a smile. It came off twisted and disturbing rather than reassuring.

“Definitely?” Because he was starting to get the feeling that the male was trying to get him killed. “Because dragons are that way.”

The male shook his head. “No dragons. Mortals.”

Grey pulled the map out of his trouser pocket, spread it across the bar top and jammed a finger against the area Sable had labelled as ‘here be dragons’ and had drawn what he imagined was meant to be a dragon, but it looked more like a snake fighting a spider.

“Dragons.” He tapped the paper.

The warlock shook his head again, his eyes darkening another shade and his thin lips flattening. He jabbed a black claw against a spot west of the dragons, and east of their current location.

“Mortals. There.”

So close?

Was it possible?

“Here?” Grey pointed to the map.

The male looked as if he was going to kill him if he asked again, an inky sort of darkness growing around his pupils to devour the pale green of his irises.

“Okay. Here it is. Got it. Thanks.” Grey bundled up his papers and his backpack in his arms and left before the male could even think about muttering a spell to flay his fur off his body.

He breathed deep as he hit the village square again, shaking off his nerves and the sensation that the male was trying to get him killed. He just smelled of death, that was all it was. It had put Grey on edge.

He looked back at the tavern. Even the succubi had avoided the male. He turned away from the village and headed east, glancing at the male’s tent as he passed it. It was set up a good distance from the rest of the tents and from the huts, placed right against the perimeter wall of the village.

That struck a chord in him.

The warlock had come to the village, but had separated himself from them, was keeping his distance even though he obviously wanted to be around others.

The male had been helpful, but because he had looked different to the others, Grey had found it difficult to trust him. He had judged him on his appearance, and had believed he wanted to kill him because of that. He was no better than the others.

He should have been.

Experience should have taught him something, should have made him react differently to the male, but he had treated him with suspicion, just like the rest.

Just like his pride had treated him.

All because he was different to them.

Gods, he was no better than them.

He hated that.

It weighed him down as he trekked east, following the lead the male had given him.

It took him across the valley basin to the foot of a low mountain range.

He looked along it in both directions, and then at his map. By his calculations, the quickest route would be over the mountains, because the range stretched in both directions for miles. If he tried to go around, it would take him at least another day to reach the destination the warlock had marked for him.

By then, Archangel might have moved on.

He adjusted his pack on his shoulders, huffed and started forwards, picking a path up the gently sloping side of the mountain. He crossed a trail around two hundred metres up and followed it as it wound through the sharp towering rocks and up through tall crevasses that sliced into the black mountain. The trail grew narrow near the top, heading towards a sweeping curve between two peaks.

He brought his pack around to his front and pressed his back against the black rock as he edged sideways along the path, his eyes on the steep drop to jagged rocks below and his heart hammering against his ribs. No damn way he was going to fall. He breathed through the fear, refusing to let it get to him, and looked to his right, focusing on the path instead.

It opened up a short distance ahead.

Relief was quick to sweep through him when his boots hit the wider path and the trail led away from the edge, over the ridge.

Gods, he was tired.

He pulled a cloth from his back pocket and wiped the sweat from his brow, and ran his other hand over his silver hair. He would rest on the other side. This high up the mountain, he was unlikely to run into any wild beasts. He could spare a few minutes to catch his breath and rest his legs. He unhooked the canteen from his pack, took a swig of the tepid water, and capped it and put it back again. He was getting low.

Thorne had warned him not to trust the water in Hell.

Apparently, some of it wasn’t water at all.

Grey didn’t want to know what that meant.

He figured it wouldn’t end well for him and that was enough to have him steering clear of hitting any stream he saw for a refill of his canteen.

He reached the top of the mountain.

His breath caught.

Good gods.

It was as if he could see the entire world.

Or at least all of Hell.

Beyond the valley far below him, steeper mountains rose, forming ridge after ridge into the distance, where the sky glowed bright gold. The Devil’s domain.

Hell was bleak, grim, but had a strange sort of beauty to it from up here.

He started down the mountain, his eyes leaping back to the view whenever they could, drinking it in. It was incredible. How big was Hell? He should have looked back in the other direction at the ridge to see if he could figure it out. Maybe he would stop there and drink it all in if he came back this way.

He picked out a spot to rest as he scouted the route ahead of him, a nice flat space just a little over halfway down the mountain and only accessible from one side, giving him some protection.

He was close to it when lights in the valley caught his eye.

He slowed his steps and tracked them as they flickered and danced, a row of flaming gold spots crossing the darkness, heading to his left, deeper into the valley.


He looked in the direction they were heading, and frowned. More lights glowed there. Another village? Or a base of operations for a mortal hunter organisation up to no good?

Thoughts of resting scattered and he marched down the mountain, intent on reaching the valley floor before the people walking towards the settlement reached it. He needed to find out if they were Archangel soldiers, and he needed to do it before they joined up with the others. He could handle a few hunters, but not an entire base of operations.

His boots skidded on the loose black shale as he hurried down the mountain, and he fought for balance more than once, attempting a controlled slide that would get him down into the valley quicker than using the paths.

When he hit the valley floor, he paused for breath, his eyes scanning the dimly lit world around him. He spotted the torches off to his left, about five hundred metres out from his current position. He drew down a deep breath, held it in his lungs to steady his heart and centre himself and exhaled slowly. His senses sharpened, his animal side rising to the fore, allowing him to see into the darkness ahead of him.

Allowing him to see the people crossing the valley.

Every inch of him stilled.

And then a slow burn started in his blood.

It wasn’t Archangel.

He growled low in his throat at the sight of the large male figures, at the thick chains they gripped, and the captives they dragged along behind them.

It was slave traders.

He caught a flash of the two tiger shifter females he had found huddled naked and terrified in their cages, held against their will by Pyotr, the male Maya had been promised to as a cub.

That burn grew hotter, fiercer, blazing white hot, and he curled his hands into fists, his emerging claws digging into his palms as his tiger side raged, battered his control and pushed him to react, to obey his instincts.

To protect.

No one deserved to be treated that way. No one deserved to be abused, mistreated, held captive and condemned to a life of fear.

He snarled through his fangs.

Dumped his backpack and stripped off his t-shirt.

These bastards were going to pay for what they were doing.


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Barnes and Noble | Kobo Books | Google Play


Books in the Series

Book 1: Kissed by a Dark Prince (Only 99c at all retailers!)
Book 2: Claimed by a Demon King
Book 3: Tempted by a Rogue Prince
Book 4: Hunted by a Jaguar
Book 5: Craved by an Alpha
Book 6: Bitten by a Hellcat
Book 7: Taken by a Dragon
Book 8: Marked by an Assassin
Book 9: Possessed by a Dark Warrior
Book 10: Awakened by a Demoness
Book 11: Haunted by the King of Death
Book 12: Turned by a Tiger
Book 13: Tamed by a Tiger
Book 14: Treasured by a Tiger


About Felicity

Felicity HeatonFelicity Heaton is a New York Times and USA Today international best-selling author writing passionate paranormal romance books. In her books, she creates detailed worlds, twisting plots, mind-blowing action, intense emotion and heart-stopping romances with leading men that vary from dark deadly vampires to sexy shape-shifters and wicked werewolves, to sinful angels and hot demons! If you’re a fan of paranormal romance authors Lara Adrian, J R Ward, Sherrilyn Kenyon, Gena Showalter and Christine Feehan then you will enjoy her books too.

If you love your angels a little dark and wicked, the best-selling Her Angel series is for you. If you like strong, powerful, and dark vampires then try the Vampires Realm series or any of her stand-alone vampire romance books. If you’re looking for vampire romances that are sinful, passionate and erotic then try the best-selling Vampire Erotic Theatre series. Or if you prefer huge detailed worlds filled with hot-blooded alpha males in every species, from elves to demons to dragons to shifters and angels, then take a look at the new Eternal Mates series.

If you want to know more about Felicity, or want to get in touch, you can find her at the following places:



Posted in 2017 releases, covers, Eternal Mates, paranormal romance, shapeshifter romance, Treasured by a Tiger | Comments Off on Treasured by a Tiger (Eternal Mates Paranormal Romance Series Book 14) by Felicity Heaton – Cover Reveal

Tamed by a Tiger (Eternal Mates Book 13) is out today + awesome giveaway!

Happy New Release Day to August and Maya in my Eternal Mates paranormal romance series!

TAMED BY A TIGER, book 13 in the series, is out now. It’s time to catch up with what has been happening in this world of shifters, fae, dark elves, demons and angels…


Tamed by a Tiger (Eternal Mates Paranormal Romance Series Book 13)

Tamed by a Tiger (Eternal Mates Book 13)

A snow leopard shifter in the prime of his life, the last thing on August’s mind is tying himself to one female. He welcomes a different one to his bed each night, or at least he had until five months ago when he became alpha. The duties and pressures of running his pride have his libido dead on arrival—until a trip to London to discuss business with the former alpha lands him in the path of a beautiful, bewitching tigress who awakens a passion in him that flares white hot and a need of her that consumes his every moment.

Promised at birth to a male she has never met, Maya has left her pride behind to go to the tiger alpha who is to be her mate, but she can’t leave without saying goodbye to her older brother, Talon. A stop in London at Underworld to see him one last time turns out far different, and far more dangerous, than how she had imagined it when she sets eyes on an alluring crimson-haired stranger who stirs new, unbidden feelings in her, desires that rouse her fiercest and most frightening instincts and demand she stake a claim on him—her fated mate.

Will Maya be strong enough to place her pride and her family’s safety before the desires of her own heart? And will August unravel his feelings for the black-haired beauty before it’s too late and he loses her forever?


Enter the grand tour-wide giveaway to win a $25, $50 or $75 Amazon Gift Card at the Tamed by a Tiger book page. This giveaway is international and open to everyone, and ends at midnight on August 20th.

Enter now:

Grand Giveaway


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Posted in 2017 releases, Eternal Mates, Excerpts, new release, paranormal romance, shapeshifter romance, Tamed by a Tiger | Comments Off on Tamed by a Tiger (Eternal Mates Book 13) is out today + awesome giveaway!

Tamed by a Tiger (Eternal Mates Paranormal Romance Series Book 13) by Felicity Heaton – Cover Reveal



About the Book

Tamed by a Tiger (Eternal Mates Romance Series Book 13)
Felicity Heaton
A snow leopard shifter in the prime of his life, the last thing on August’s mind is tying himself to one female. He welcomes a different one to his bed each night, or at least he had until five months ago when he became alpha. The duties and pressures of running his pride have his libido dead on arrival—until a trip to London to discuss business with the former alpha lands him in the path of a beautiful, bewitching tigress who awakens a passion in him that flares white hot and a need of her that consumes his every moment.

Promised at birth to a male she has never met, Maya has left her pride behind to go to the tiger alpha who is to be her mate, but she can’t leave without saying goodbye to her older brother, Talon. A stop in London at Underworld to see him one last time turns out far different, and far more dangerous, than how she had imagined it when she sets eyes on an alluring crimson-haired stranger who stirs new, unbidden feelings in her, desires that rouse her fiercest and most frightening instincts and demand she stake a claim on him—her fated mate.

Will Maya be strong enough to place her pride and her family’s safety before the desires of her own heart? And will August unravel his feelings for the black-haired beauty before it’s too late and he loses her forever?


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iBooks USA | iBooks UK | iBooks Canada | iBooks Australia | iBooks New Zealand
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The special sneak preview for Tamed by a Tiger begins on July 30th, exclusive to Felicity’s mailing list. Every subscriber is entered into the giveaway to win a signed personalised paperback copy of Tamed by a Tiger, with a chance to win a copy in each of the three exclusive sneak peek chapters being sent out on July 30th, August 1st and August 3rd.

Not only will joining her mailing list ensure you’re in with a chance of winning one of the signed copies of Tamed by a Tiger, it means you’ll start receiving her newsletters, where she gives away 2 x $25 Amazon Gift Cards in each issue, and rewards subscribers with exclusive excerpts, teasers, flash fiction and cover reveals, and plenty of fun! Plus, you’ll receive FOUR FREE EBOOKS in her Series Starter Library just for signing up!

Join her newsletter at:



“Cavanaugh, take over a moment,” Sherry called over her shoulder, towards the other end of the bar to Maya’s left.

Her eyes leaped there.

Landed on a huge male with short silver hair who stood with his back to Sherry, the lights playing across his broad shoulders changing his white shirt from blue to red as they shifted.

He twisted at the waist to look at Sherry.

Maya didn’t hear what he said.

She didn’t hear the music.

Didn’t hear anything but the thumping of her heart.

She stared at the male Cavanaugh had been talking to at the end of the bar.

A male with flame red tousled hair and piercing silver eyes that captured hers as he lifted them from his beer to her, looking past the bartender.

Heat rushed through her, fire that burst to life inside her so fiercely she couldn’t catch her breath, and she stared at him, transfixed, lost in those silver eyes as they turned liquid, glowed around his irises and pulled her deeper still, narrowing the world down to only him.

Who was he?

In the wake of the fire that blazed through her blood, her instincts flashed to life, sweeping through her in a devastating wave that stripped all control from her.

She snapped and snarled at the females near her, baring her short fangs at them as a need seized her and drove her to obey it.

A need to fight.

She growled at Sherry through gritted teeth, her fangs slicing into her gums as they elongated.

Sherry backed off, her blue eyes shooting wide as she distanced herself.


On a low growl, Maya leaped onto the black bar, and swiped at her, claws cutting through the air. Sherry ducked beneath her blow, narrowly evading it. Maya’s hackles rose, the urge flowing stronger, driving her harder. She needed to fight. She needed to make sure every female in the vicinity left.

This was her territory now.

She would make that clear.

She opened her mouth to roar.

Someone’s hand slammed down over it, and she struggled as strong arms hauled her backwards, dragging her off the bar. The male held her harder, wrestled with her and managed to restrain her arms, pinning them to her sides. She bit into his palm and he growled at her, a warning she wanted to heed but couldn’t manage to obey.

She needed to fight.

“Calm her the fuck down or you are both out of here, family or fucking not,” a male voice barked and she snarled at the owner of it—the jaguar. “Get this shit under control.”

“Come with me,” Sherry said and Maya struggled harder, needed to reach the female and fight her.

Needed to make this her territory.

Grey grunted and his grip on her tightened, and she flinched as pain arced like lightning through her bones. A show of strength. He was stronger than her, but she wouldn’t let him stop her. He could break her bones if he wanted. She would fight.

She kicked at him, battering his shins.

He bowed backwards, bringing her legs up and making it impossible for her to reach him.

Maya lashed out at everyone in her way instead.

All it did was help her brother by scattering everyone in his way, giving him an open route to take as he followed Sherry.

As she drew closer to the male with the fiery red hair, the need to fight grew stronger, drove her out of her mind and terrified her, leaving her feeling trapped inside her own body. She clawed at Grey’s arms, cutting through his coat and scoring his flesh, but all he did was hiss through his teeth. His grip on her remained too strong for her to break.

She needed to break it.

She needed to fight.

The scarlet-haired male’s silver eyes tracked her until she was level with him, and then casually he looked back down at his beer and resumed speaking with Cavanaugh.

Cold swept through her in response.

All of the fight flowed out of her and she slumped in Grey’s arms, reeling but unsure why.



Pre-order Links | | |
iBooks USA | iBooks UK | iBooks Canada | iBooks Australia | iBooks New Zealand
Barnes and Noble | Kobo Books | Google Play


Books in the Series

Book 1: Kissed by a Dark Prince (Only 99c at all retailers!)
Book 2: Claimed by a Demon King
Book 3: Tempted by a Rogue Prince
Book 4: Hunted by a Jaguar
Book 5: Craved by an Alpha
Book 6: Bitten by a Hellcat
Book 7: Taken by a Dragon
Book 8: Marked by an Assassin
Book 9: Possessed by a Dark Warrior
Book 10: Awakened by a Demoness
Book 11: Haunted by the King of Death
Book 12: Turned by a Tiger


About Felicity

Felicity HeatonFelicity Heaton is a New York Times and USA Today international best-selling author writing passionate paranormal romance books. In her books, she creates detailed worlds, twisting plots, mind-blowing action, intense emotion and heart-stopping romances with leading men that vary from dark deadly vampires to sexy shape-shifters and wicked werewolves, to sinful angels and hot demons! If you’re a fan of paranormal romance authors Lara Adrian, J R Ward, Sherrilyn Kenyon, Gena Showalter and Christine Feehan then you will enjoy her books too.

If you love your angels a little dark and wicked, the best-selling Her Angel series is for you. If you like strong, powerful, and dark vampires then try the Vampires Realm series or any of her stand-alone vampire romance books. If you’re looking for vampire romances that are sinful, passionate and erotic then try the best-selling Vampire Erotic Theatre series. Or if you prefer huge detailed worlds filled with hot-blooded alpha males in every species, from elves to demons to dragons to shifters and angels, then take a look at the new Eternal Mates series.

If you want to know more about Felicity, or want to get in touch, you can find her at the following places:



Posted in 2017 releases, covers, Eternal Mates, paranormal romance, shapeshifter romance, Tamed by a Tiger | Comments Off on Tamed by a Tiger (Eternal Mates Paranormal Romance Series Book 13) by Felicity Heaton – Cover Reveal

Turned by a Tiger (Eternal Mates Book 12) is out today + awesome giveaway!

Happy New Release Day to Talon and Sherry in my Eternal Mates paranormal romance series!

TURNED BY A TIGER, book 12 in the series, is out now. It’s time to catch up with what has been happening in this world of shifters, fae, dark elves, demons and angels…


Turned by a Tiger (Eternal Mates Paranormal Romance Series Book 12)

Turned by a Tiger (Eternal Mates Book 12)

On the verge of bleeding out and hunted by his merciless torturers, Talon has no choice but to seek sanctuary at Underworld, a nightclub run by a jaguar shifter liable to kill him on sight for being a tiger shifter male. What he finds in the old warehouse isn’t the grim shadow of Death though but an angel of mercy, one who offers him salvation and revenge—one who happens to be his fated mate.

Tending bar at Underworld is never dull when you’re a mortal surrounded by immortals, but when a gorgeous tiger shifter covered in blood stumbles into the club, and set’s fire to her boss’s temper, Sherry’s entire world is in danger of being turned on its head. Something about the mysterious warrior has her stepping in to save him, something that ignites her heart and stirs her soul, and no matter how fiercely she fights it, she can’t hold herself back.

When Talon reveals the name of his captors, and his plan to head back in to save his friends, will Sherry be brave enough to embrace the feelings he stirs in her and step deeper into the world of immortals? And will Talon be strong enough to resist the lure of Sherry to protect his family’s secret or will he risk everything to claim his eternal mate?


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Turned by a Tiger (Eternal Mates Paranormal Romance Series Book 12) by Felicity Heaton – Cover Reveal

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Turned by a Tiger (Eternal Mates Paranormal Romance Series Book 12)


About the Book

Turned by a Tiger (Eternal Mates Romance Series Book 12)
Felicity Heaton
On the verge of bleeding out and hunted by his merciless torturers, Talon has no choice but to seek sanctuary at Underworld, a nightclub run by a jaguar shifter liable to kill him on sight for being a tiger shifter male. What he finds in the old warehouse isn’t the grim shadow of Death though but an angel of mercy, one who offers him salvation and revenge—one who happens to be his fated mate.

Tending bar at Underworld is never dull when you’re a mortal surrounded by immortals, but when a gorgeous tiger shifter covered in blood stumbles into the club, and set’s fire to her boss’s temper, Sherry’s entire world is in danger of being turned on its head. Something about the mysterious warrior has her stepping in to save him, something that ignites her heart and stirs her soul, and no matter how fiercely she fights it, she can’t hold herself back.

When Talon reveals the name of his captors, and his plan to head back in to save his friends, will Sherry be brave enough to embrace the feelings he stirs in her and step deeper into the world of immortals? And will Talon be strong enough to resist the lure of Sherry to protect his family’s secret or will he risk everything to claim his eternal mate?


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The special sneak preview for Turned by a Tiger begins on June 25th, exclusive to Felicity’s mailing list. Every subscriber is entered into the giveaway to win a signed personalised paperback copy of Turned by a Tiger, with a chance to win a copy in each of the three exclusive sneak peek chapters being sent out on the 25th, 27th and 29th.

Not only will joining her mailing list ensure you’re in with a chance of winning one of the signed copies of Turned by a Tiger, it means you’ll start receiving her newsletters, where she gives away 2 x $25 Amazon Gift Cards in each issue, and rewards subscribers with exclusive excerpts, teasers, flash fiction and cover reveals, and plenty of fun! Plus, you’ll receive FOUR FREE EBOOKS in her Series Starter Library just for signing up!

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Sherry knew the appeal of the no-strings-attached style of relationship, normally went in for that herself.

So why did the thought of a roll in the hay with Talon followed by a kiss goodbye leave her cold?

She busied herself with the coffee maker while Talon prowled around the small kitchen, taking up far too much space and making it impossible for her to pretend he wasn’t there and get her head straight.

And her heart.

She blamed it for her sudden desire to have more than a one night stand with a hot guy.

“Milk, Tony?” She poured two mugs of coffee.

He froze with his head in the refrigerator, withdrew and slowly turned towards her, the scowl back in place.

His deep voice rolled through the room, curled around her and did wicked things to her body.

“Talon,” he said with determination, with a hard edge that was both a demand and a command, one that thrilled her as she imagined him ordering her around in the bedroom in that same voice. “Talon. Say it.”

A sudden onset of nerves swept through her as she looked into his hard amber eyes, looked at him for all that he was, and realised that if she said his name, the flimsy barrier she had tried to construct between them by avoiding using it would fall.

Leaving her exposed.

He straightened to his full height, towering over her, at least the same height as Kyter’s six-five. Talon was broader though, heavy with muscle, cutting an imposing figure as he stared her down, silently demanding she do as he wanted.

“Tiger,” she blurted and went to face the coffee mugs again.

Talon moved in a blur of speed, suddenly pressed right against her, and had her cheek in his palm again, bringing her head back around to face his.

“Talon.” His tone could have made diamonds it was so hard, so sharp and pressing.

She swallowed hard, trembling from head to toe as she drowned in his amber eyes, watching the gold shimmering among the amber.

Her mouth turned dry.

She swept her tongue across her lips to wet them.

His gaze fell there, grew hungry and heated, and turned the fire up inside her.

“Talon,” she whispered.

His eyes shot to hers.

His throat worked on a hard swallow.

“Dear gods,” he muttered and just as quickly as he had closed the distance between them, he opened it up again, disappearing into the living room.

She stared at where he had been, reeling from the suddenness of his disappearance, and how shocked he had sounded. How pained.

What the ever living fuck?


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Books in the Series

Book 1: Kissed by a Dark Prince (Only 99c at all retailers!)
Book 2: Claimed by a Demon King
Book 3: Tempted by a Rogue Prince
Book 4: Hunted by a Jaguar
Book 5: Craved by an Alpha
Book 6: Bitten by a Hellcat
Book 7: Taken by a Dragon
Book 8: Marked by an Assassin
Book 9: Possessed by a Dark Warrior
Book 10: Awakened by a Demoness
Book 11: Haunted by the King of Death


About Felicity

Felicity HeatonFelicity Heaton is a New York Times and USA Today international best-selling author writing passionate paranormal romance books. In her books, she creates detailed worlds, twisting plots, mind-blowing action, intense emotion and heart-stopping romances with leading men that vary from dark deadly vampires to sexy shape-shifters and wicked werewolves, to sinful angels and hot demons! If you’re a fan of paranormal romance authors Lara Adrian, J R Ward, Sherrilyn Kenyon, Gena Showalter and Christine Feehan then you will enjoy her books too.

If you love your angels a little dark and wicked, the best-selling Her Angel series is for you. If you like strong, powerful, and dark vampires then try the Vampires Realm series or any of her stand-alone vampire romance books. If you’re looking for vampire romances that are sinful, passionate and erotic then try the best-selling Vampire Erotic Theatre series. Or if you prefer huge detailed worlds filled with hot-blooded alpha males in every species, from elves to demons to dragons to shifters and angels, then take a look at the new Eternal Mates series.

If you want to know more about Felicity, or want to get in touch, you can find her at the following places:



Posted in 2017 releases, covers, Eternal Mates, paranormal romance, shapeshifter romance, Turned by a Tiger | Comments Off on Turned by a Tiger (Eternal Mates Paranormal Romance Series Book 12) by Felicity Heaton – Cover Reveal