Category Archives: Her Demonic Angel

Cover Reveal: Her Demonic Angel

I revealed the cover for HER DEMONIC ANGEL in my March newsletter so I thought that since a month had passed I would share it with everyone know. I’d love to know whether this cover has you excited about the fifth book in my popular angel romance series or not.

The hero for Her Demonic Angel is Veiron. He was in Her Guardian Angel too and he’s a Hell’s angel… hence all that fire on the cover!

Are you excited now about the book?

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News on Her Demonic Angel, free books on Kindle, and In Heat in the top 500!

After my writing meltdown of last week, I decided yesterday that I was just going to sit down in my sunny garden under the parasol, put on my fight scene music, and just write. It worked!

I managed to make it through the scenes that I’ve now realised were part of the reason I wasn’t feeling like writing. They were really difficult ones because they were a combination of huge fight, big plot events, and really really intense and draining emotion. I sped through the first 5500 words in just over two hours and then continued to get up to 8000 words for the day. I swear that I spent around 4000 of those words either crying or sniffling. I am issuing a tissue warning for Her Demonic Angel. Honestly, it needs it. Have a tissue on hand and expect a few tears. It’s very intense, dramatic and will probably have you screaming at me. Put a little trust in my dear reader, I promise I’ll come good on it.

I am feeling so much better now that I’ve found my writing groove again and I’m ready to plough on with Her Demonic Angel and I hope I can keep my flow until the final words. I’m up to 89000 words in this book now and have around another 30000 to go, so expect it to be around the same length as Her Guardian Angel (and just as dramatic and breathtaking!).

Another reason I’m on a high right now is the amazing response to my free Amazon Kindle books I offered on Sunday. I offered two of them, Ascension and Forbidden Blood. Ascension is a demon and witch pairing, and Forbidden Blood is a vampire romance. I thought that Forbidden Blood would completely outstrip Ascension because Ascension has never sold well, but more people pimped Ascension (some big review sites and authors included, so thanks for that) and downloads for that were staggering. I really wish that people had seen that Forbidden Blood was also on offer as I’m sure readers would have liked to pick up both of the novels.

In order to do the free books on Amazon, I have to have the books in the KDP Select programme where the books are exclusive to Amazon in their digital format. I’m still waiting on Smashwords to get the books removed from other sites. I’ve given them almost two weeks now and if they don’t come down soon, I’ll be emailing them. I’ve heard rumours that Smashwords sometimes don’t tell the retailers to remove the books. It wouldn’t surprise me. I once tried to remove all my books from Barnes and Noble when they said their Pubit! Programme would be open to all authors, and Smashwords left them on there for months and they never were removed. I ended up reinstating them several months later when it became clear they weren’t going to be removed and Pubit! turned out to be a US-only scheme after all.

Still, I’ve promised figures for my downloads with KDP Select, so here they are. Ascension had 9184 downloads in the day it was free, and Forbidden Blood had 4859. I had thought maybe in a single day I could get around 4000 downloads, so I’m pleased as punch with these figures.

In other fantastic news, In Heat, my shape-shifter romance that is also in the KDP Select programme, is now sitting pretty at #445 in the Amazon Kindle Store. #445 out of over a million books, AND it’s a $2.99 book, not a $0.99 cheapie? How amazing is that? I’m super pleased and awed by how well this book is doing. Considering I was going to retire it when I removed it from all sites in January, I am so glad that I didn’t in the end and decided to have a second go at the programme with it and the sequel, In Heat: Mating Call.

Covet and Crave, the first two books in my Vampire Erotic Theatre series have been doing incredibly well too. The reception for these books has been amazing and it’s exciting to see the reader comments on the reviews. People are really into this series and the characters. I do love that reviewers and readers are pleased that the vampires and shifters in it aren’t saints and are very dark yet sexy, and a little bit deadly. Just the sort of vampire I often love to write. I just hope that I can keep everyone happy with this series as it progresses. I know readers are anxious for Snow’s book and it is coming, I promise, but first you get the yumminess of Antoine’s novel, and then Andreu and Payne’s novellas. Snow is getting more and more page time though.

Posted in angel romance, Ascension, forbidden blood, Her Angel Series, Her Demonic Angel, paranormal romance, shapeshifter romance, vampire romance | Comments Off on News on Her Demonic Angel, free books on Kindle, and In Heat in the top 500!

Crave (Vampire Erotic Theatre Romance Series #2) now available on Amazon Kindle & I’m back!

I’m officially working my way back to, well, work now that I’m all recovered from my ear operation that happened two weeks ago. I feel as though I’ve really neglected my blog and my Facebook and Twitter, and while part of me still wants to laze around reading books, playing my new PS Vita, and just chilling out, the rest of me is now quite eager to get back on the work wagon and get things moving forward again.

Have you all missed me?

I bet your inboxes were looking nice and tidy without my blog posts dropping into them if you’re signed up to my feed.

I’ve basically spent the past two weeks doing a combination of things. I’ve read a few new books. I read The Darkest Lie and The Darkest Secret in Gena Showalter’s fabulous Lords of the Underworld series. I read Dance with the Devil in Sherrilyn Kenyon’s Dark Hunter series, and I read Pleasure Unbound by Larissa Ione. Besides reading some fantasitc paranormal romance books, I’ve been spending a lot of time playing my PlayStation 3 (I’m working my way through Prince of Persia) and watching TV, and planning holidays.

I did do some work. I proofed Crave (Vampire Erotic Theatre series #2) and I’ve just finished reading through the first 68000 words I had written of Her Demonic Angel (Her Angel series #5) so it wasn’t all lying around not doing anything.

It took a lot for me to chill out the first week. I had my hubby around to dote on me, and dote on me he did, but I was so bored. I’m no longer used to doing nothing so it was really difficult for me to switch off. Now, I’m the opposite. I’ve finally got myself weened off the intensive work ethic and I’m so into just reading and playing on my PS Vita and PS3 that it’s really hard to get back into working. I’ll get there.

I’ve come back at a really exciting time too, because the next book in the Vampire Erotic Theatre series, Crave, is due for release tomorrow and it’s already available at Amazon Kindle stores. I’m excited not only to see what you guys think of this second book in the series but of the first chapter preview of Seduce that I’ve included at the end of the book.

For those of you who do Kindle (like me) or like to purchase from Smashwords here’s the blurb and the links…

Felicity Heaton
His mind has been set on his work for the past one hundred years. Now a forbidden beauty has stolen his attention and is threatening to steal his heart too.

Callum has come to the city of romance on business, not pleasure, but when he sets eyes on a gorgeous werewolf in a nightclub, he can’t ignore the dark carnal craving she ignites in him. His work for Vampirerotique, the erotic theatre he runs with three other vampires, can wait. The only thing that matters now is satisfying his sinful hunger for a woman who most vampires would consider an enemy.

Kristina is on the run from her pack. Her alpha is intent on forcing her to bear his child and she’s not about to live through the same nightmare as her mother had. When a tall, dark and sexy vampire catches her eye, she can’t believe the ferocity of the desire he unleashes in her or the fact that she enjoys the feel of his eyes on her and his silent pursuit of her in the clubs each night.

When Kristina finally gets a taste of Callum in a forbidden kiss, will she be strong enough to resist the allure of the vampire and his offer to share his bed for a week of unbridled, wild sex, or will she surrender to her own craving for the safety and passion she finds in his embrace?

ebook price: $2.99
genre: paranormal vampire romance
length: 35000 words
Book 2 in the Vampire Erotic Theatre series

Available in e-book from:
Amazon Kindle | Amazon Kindle UK | Amazon Kindle Germany | Amazon Kindle France | Smashwords |

Posted in 2012 releases, Amazon Kindle, Crave, ebooks, Her Angel Series, Her Demonic Angel, new release, Seduce, Vampire Erotic Theatre | Comments Off on Crave (Vampire Erotic Theatre Romance Series #2) now available on Amazon Kindle & I’m back!

Schedule changes, operations and Amsterdam on Valentine’s Day

With my ear operation drawing closer, I began to get a little too stressed out about finishing Her Demonic Angel by my self-imposed deadline of the operation date. On Monday, I did manage to get the book to around 67000 words, but I also planned out the rest of the chapters in clearer detail and realised that I still have around 15 chapters to write. That’s around 60,000 words for me if they’re around average length. Some would be shorter, so maybe it would be fewer words to write but it’s still a lot considering I only had 6 work days until my operation.

So I had to make a choice yesterday. The deadline of my operation was making me feel icky about writing the book, leaving me feeling as though I was rushing it in parts or that it wasn’t going to come out good, or I wasn’t going to finish it. I have come to terms with the fact I won’t finish it in time, so I made the decision to hold off on writing the rest of it until post-recovery period. Plus, it’s probably better to relax in the week before the operation rather than elevating my blood pressure and stress levels!

After talking to my husband about it during the journey to Amsterdam for our Valentine’s Day trip, I realised it was probably easier to switch my schedule around and tackle editing two of the novellas in my Vampire Erotic Theatre series, Seduce and Enslave, and proofing Crave, and then write the rest of Her Demonic Angel when I’m back. It’s far easier to read just 70000 words to get back into the book than it is to read around 120000 words just to write the final chapter or whatever would have remained had I decided to stick with writing as much of the book as I could before my op.

The upside is that I find editing a lot less stressful so I should be able to get it all done, plus my other stuff like creating the formats for Crave which is out on March 10th, before my operation and should be feeling nice and relaxed in the run up to the day… which I am completely dreading.

Amsterdam was a much needed break for me and I had a really good time with my husband despite the rather cold weather. It was bitterly cold. The canals were frozen! Amsterdam was beautiful and so quiet, and it was great wandering the city. I am very tired today though, and can’t concentrate. It was a very long day with a very early start and late return, and a heck of a lot of walking in chilly weather. Another reason for changing my schedule around! I am a mindless zombie today.

Hopefully I will be feeling far more normal tomorrow. For now, I’m off to read over the paper copy of Seduce!


Posted in angel romance, Crave, Enslave, Her Angel Series, Her Demonic Angel, paranormal romance, Seduce, Vampire Erotic Theatre, vampire romance | Comments Off on Schedule changes, operations and Amsterdam on Valentine’s Day

Her Demonic Angel – First draft progress and an introduction to the hero and heroine!

I should have updated my blog earlier about my progress on Her Demonic Angel but I’ve just had one of those weeks where it’s been one thing after another and I haven’t really been in a writing mood. I was off on Monday, having a day with my husband, in which we managed to watch three movies at the cinema. Impressive! I was so tired by the end of it and had to drive back in fog and icy conditions. Not fun.

Tuesday my husband was at home and I can’t concentrate when he’s around, so I didn’t write. Instead I filled my day with making adverts for websites and dealing with everything else I normally neglect in favour of writing.

Wednesday I was finally able to get back to writing but it was a strange day as I spent most of it at the hospital waiting on my appointments ahead of my next ear operation this month. Not fun, again. I make a point of never reading while I’m writing as I find I’m easily influenced by what I read and end up writing like someone else. I had been reading over what I had written of Her Demonic Angel and I had another 30 pages to read post-ear-appointments so I felt it was safe to stick my nose in a book on my phone. I was there so long that I had read 60% of the book by the time I was free to go.

I hit the cafe and finally wrote the first love scene in Her Demonic Angel. I always find the first love scene is the most difficult one to write as it establishes the whole dynamic between the couple when it comes to lovemaking. This one was pretty deep, quite primal and very sexy.

I finished reading the book I had begun in the hospital over breakfast this morning, getting it out of the way, and hit the cafe to get some more writing done. I feel I’ve been quite slow with this book. A little out of sorts and unsure over the past few writing outings to the cafes. I’m second guessing everything I write and that isn’t like me. I need to get my confidence back a little. Reading the book back normally does that for me and I do feel it’s pretty damn good so far, but I’m still a little on edge about it. I feel I’m being really slow but when I finally stopped writing, I had done 11000 words. Sure, it was over a 6 hour period, but it’s still a fairly good word count for the day. I’m now at 53000 words in the book and things are really taking shape now and some pretty huge stuff as happened, and is about to happen too. I have 8 more writing days available before my ear operation takes me out of action for a couple of weeks. I have to get other stuff done too, but I think I can get this book completed in first draft and that will be a weight off my mind. I’m sure my slowness and weird feelings are just because I’m feeling quite stressed by the short and looming deadline, and my impending operation.

I promised to share some Veiron teases in this blog post, so I’ve dug out some very Veiron moments. I’ve also dug out some very Erin moments…

Erin first…

Erin’s better judgement said not to but she slipped her trembling right hand into his and stepped away from the edge. She looked up into his eyes. They glowed red around the edges and in the centre too, highlighting his wide pupils. His gaze locked with hers and rocked her with a jolt that reached right down into her soul.

“What’s your name?” she whispered, captivated by his eyes and lost in them. They had more power over her than the Devil’s had. She wanted to stare into the flaming depths for all eternity.

“Veiron,” he husked, his warm breath caressing her face, and Erin’s senses came alive, lighting up like an electrical storm. His masculine scent of dirt, aftershave and fresh sweat filled her nostrils. The warmth of his hand clasping hers heated her right down to her bones. The sound of his voice made her blood burn to hear him speak again. Her gaze delighted in discovering every tiny fleck of fire in his dark irises. The only sense left was one that cried out for a taste of him.

She might be losing her mind, but she knew without a doubt that she wanted this man.

And Veiron… his scene is a bit longer, because I’m loving this former good guys internal debates. He’s so fun to write. He’s with Erin in a small cave, and she’s confessed she always has nightmares when she sleeps, so she doesn’t want to sleep.

“You didn’t have a nightmare when you were in my arms.” He wasn’t sure why he put that one out there. Tormenting himself? He was the big bad hero who chased away little Erin’s nightmares and made everything right. Her knight in tarnished armour. Yeah, right. It didn’t matter what he did. As soon as she realised he was one of those bastards she hated so much, it would be game over and goodbye Veiron. Kill it before it started. It was the only way to save himself.

“I didn’t. Can I sleep next to you?”

“Sure.” Way to resist and keep that all necessary distance between them. What was it about this woman that had him going against his better judgement?

Erin moved closer, flashed him a tired but grateful smile, and settled on her side with her head on his thigh. Hell. He warned the part of his anatomy that she had chosen to snuggle up right next to not to get ideas. Those dirty thoughts spinning out of control in his mind were not going to happen.

Do not touch her. Do not lay a hand on that smooth but dirty slender arm of hers and stroke it to see if her skin felt as soft as it looked. Do not.

Veiron ran his fingers along the length of her arm.

“Veiron,” she whispered, his name like ambrosia to his aching soul as it fell softly from her lips. “I can’t sleep. Talk to me.”

“What about?” Any subject but himself. Keep it professional. Keep some distance. Any subject but himself.

“About you.”

“Sure.” Fuck. Why didn’t he smash his fist through his ribcage and tear out his heart right now to save himself the inevitable pain in his future?

“Are you fallen?”

He grimaced.

“You don’t have to answer that if you don’t want to,” she said and tipped her head up, rolling slightly onto her back so she was looking at him. “Tell me if I’m being too nosy.”

He didn’t want to answer it, and she damn well was being too nosy.

“I am,” he said rather than refusing her and wished she would go to sleep. He shouldn’t have woken her. He should have tried to carry her down the slope. He might have made it to the ledge even with her extra weight rather than tumbling into a volcanic abyss.

Veiron looked down at the bubbling flame-filled plain below. Fiery painful death was beginning to look good but dying was off the menu. Not going to happen. Death meant rebirth, and rebirth meant a return to Heaven and forgetting everything until he fell again.

Did you enjoy your Erin and Veiron moments? Looking forward to the book now? I’d love to know!

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Her Demonic Angel (Her Angel romance series) progress on the novel

I was too tired last night to blog about my progress on the first draft of the next novel in my Her Angel romance series, Her Demonic Angel. Writing so much over the past three days really drained me and I needed to get away from work and just relax for a while. Having said that, it was gone 6pm when I stopped working. I really need to get the work/life balance thing sorted.

Her Demonic Angel is coming along nicely now and I’m 33000 words into it, and we’re making progress with not just the plot but the romance too. Veiron is everything I had expected him to be and more. He’s wicked, has a mind as dirty as his mouth, kicks arse, and is fuelled by cold fury and bent on revenge. Erin is giving him a run for his money though. This smart-mouthed sassy woman isn’t about to let the tall hunk of handsome get away with trying to resist her.

It was hard to stop writing yesterday even when I knew that I had to because if I hadn’t the Post Office would have closed and people would have been waiting another couple of days for their prizes! I think the reluctance to stop was because I had Erin putting on her brave face and giving Veiron a speech about his true demonic angel form not scaring her and demanding to see it again. Go Erin. I sense a kiss scene in the near future.

I had to stop though. I had written around 6000 words by 1pm yesterday before I was struck by a severe case of the yawns. I hate it when fatigue just sweeps in and knocks me on my backside like that. I had a break and a coffee and that woke me up enough to continue, but by the time I had reached 10500 words, I knew I was done for the day. There’s really no point in writing when your mind is spiralling down to zombie level. That benefits no one.

The book is really coming along though, and thanks to everyone’s kind words and pep talks about not being brought down by my apprehension about this book not living up to the last one in the series, I am feeling very bright and positive about it. Marcus and Veiron are two very different heroes and I have to treat them like that, and the stories too. Her Demonic Angel is not Her Guardian Angel, although the plot is just as grand and the twists just as huge.

Thankfully I have an idea about where the series is going to go after Her Demonic Angel and who is going to be at the helm of that book. I intend to wrap up the game and level the playing field in the next book so any story after that starts a new thread in this world.

I sometimes think writing is easy, and I’m sure that readers sometimes think that it’s a pretty sweet life, but when you approach it with the vigor and determination that I do, it becomes clear that writing can be hard, very tiring both physically and mentally, and if you don’t have the support of readers who weigh in when you have a heartfelt moan/confession about your feelings, then it can be difficult. It’s the mental fatigue that always gets me.

My husband often ends the day saying things like “Use your words” to me when I can’t speak for stumbling and saying the wrong thing. I always tell him that I save my words for my books. By the end of a writing day, all my words are gone 🙂

Still, 33000 words done on Her Demonic Angel means that I’m 27% done with the book. That brings my total word count for the year up nicely to 111500 which is also 27% of my target word count for the year.

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Her Demonic Angel – First Draft is Underway!

I don’t have a picture of the cover of Her Demonic Angel yet, as I haven’t designed it, so I’m going to use a portion of the oh-so-delicious banner of my Her Angel series site (coming soon, I promise! I just need to finish designing the damn thing and get it built) for my posts about the book as I write the first draft. Her Demonic Angel will be the fifth book in the Her Angel romance series and will be the second full length novel.

I have to admit that I’ve been feeling more than a little apprehensive about this book. After the praise that Her Guardian Angel received from readers and reviewers, and how many of them stated they couldn’t wait to see where I took the series next because Her Guardian Angel was a complete game changer, I’ve spent the past few months stewing and fretting that Her Demonic Angel will deeply disappoint.

This is a new feeling for me and the writer in me doesn’t quite know how to process it yet. It’s something I’m also experiencing with my Vampire Erotic Theatre series. I’ve never had reviewers and readers really get behind a book like this and a series, and have expectations about the next. I’m sure it happens a lot to authors and I’m also sure it’s something that I will eventually be able to handle, but for now I’m going to write this one on the edge of my seat panicking that it won’t be good enough. Paranoid? Probably.

I spent the weekend getting the outline of Her Demonic Angel together so I could start writing it today. I took myself off to my local cafe to avoid my new neighbours moving in and find some peace. Yes, I write best in cafes. I know most people think that’s crazy because of all the comings and goings of people around me, and the screaming kids, but I have my music on and I really do zone out when writing. I become immersed in the book and can pretty much block out anything. Years of writing on trains with people sitting right next to me and in cafes at lunch have hardened me to writing in public.

Despite the frigid temperatures in the UK right now, I ventured out into the world to the cafe and assumed my usual spot hidden away at the back. Far from the door and the draught, and tucked into a corner in a comfy seat. I took a few deep breaths and then took the plunge. Thankfully I had already written the opening in a previous fit of scene-note-writing. So I tapped out the opening line and off I went. Want to know what the opening line is? Here it is:

It was the Devil who took her.

And that’s it. Following that is around 10000 other words I wrote today, completing the first three chapters of the book. Veiron, the hero, has met Erin, the heroine, and they’re starting their love story.

I’m hopeful that my productivity today can be matched tomorrow, and the next day, and every day until the angel romance book is complete in first draft. I take it as a good sign that during my walk home the opening of chapter 4 came to me and I had to pause to jot it down in my phone, even though I nearly froze my fingers off by doing so.

In other news, I also wrote four posts for my Covet Book Tour and managed to snag myself J R Ward’s Lover Unleashed and Lover Mine for the princely sum of £3 from the local discount bookstore. That’s under $5 US.

Happy days!

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Her Demonic Angel – plotting, planning, and drinking lots of coffee

Since returning from Barcelona on Thursday night, I’ve been busy with the Her Angel series. I skimmed through Her Guardian Angel to read the Veiron parts and remind myself of everything that happened in the book, and to remind myself of each character too. I haven’t written anything in the Her Angel series since Her Guardian Angel came out last year, so I’m a bit rusty when it comes to the world and the characters.

I wrote notes for Her Demonic Angel yesterday, printed out those notes and numbered each scene. Then I numbered lots of small white cards and wrote a sentence about the corresponding scene on them. Following that I performed writer’s magic, where I shuffle the cards and somehow they come out in the right order.

I’ve spent the best part of today writing up some other notes and then putting everything into order in the rough outline for the book. There are still some things for me to think about, namely the end and some parts in the middle. It’s mostly together now though. I am tired now but I’m pleased that the story is beginning to take shape. I need to dig out my character bios for the series and create a new one for the heroine, Erin, and update the hero, Veiron, too.

Not all the previous characters in the series will be in this one but there is a reason for that, and it will be mentioned in the book. A few firm favourites will be making appearances, including Amelia and Marcus since Erin is Amelia’s younger sister. Apollyon will have a part to play too.

I’m really hoping that I can get the book outline completed tomorrow so I can begin writing it on Monday. I have 15 writing days until my ear operation comes around and I want the book done by then. This means that I will probably have to write around 8000 words a day. I can manage that. Balancing everything else like blogging, touring, promoting, etc at the same time might drive me crazy, but it is necessary. I’m really not looking forward to my operation so perhaps Veiron and Erin’s action-packed, crazy, and intense love story can keep my mind off it. The upside is, when I complete the first draft of Her Demonic Angel, I’ll probably be around 50% done with my writing word count target for the year!

If you’re not familiar with my best selling Her Angel series, then it’s available in ebook and paperback. Here’s a little more info about the books:

Her Dark Angel
Felicity Heaton
An angel without a mission, Apollyon lives trapped in Hell guarding the bottomless pit. Surrounded by endless darkness, he longs to fly free on Earth once more but his master hasn’t called him in centuries. When the call finally comes, it’s to serve a new master, a beautiful woman he has often watched over, a woman who has always captivated him.

Serenity is shocked when a gorgeous black-winged angel shows up in her city of Paris claiming that she called him when she was only casting a simple vengeance spell. He’s no other than the angel of death! When Apollyon offers to obey her and help her have revenge on her cheating ex-boyfriend, she can’t resist the temptation, but can she resist him? Can an angel as dark as Apollyon ever fall for a mortal woman like her?

Dark, passionate and erotic, Her Dark Angel is a tale of intense desire and deepest forbidden love guaranteed to get your heart racing.

Her Dark Angel is on offer for $0.99 on Amazon Kindle right now!

Available in e-book from:
Author’s website | Amazon Kindle | Amazon Kindle UK | Amazon Kindle Germany | Amazon Kindle France | Apple iBookstore USA | Apple iBookstore UK | Apple iBookstore Australia | Apple iBookstore Canada | Barnes and Noble | Kobo Books | Sony Reader Store | Smashwords | All Romance eBooks

Available in paperback from: | | Barnes and Noble

Her Fallen Angel
Felicity Heaton
Annelie fell for Lukas the moment he walked into her pub three years ago. He’s stunning, his vivid green eyes lending to his otherworldly beauty, but he’s seriously out of her league. When he tells her that she’s beautiful and confesses that he wants her, she can’t resist him and his passionate kiss. She unleashes her desire and seizes the moment and Lukas with both hands. But Lukas has a secret, one that will test Annelie’s love for him and threaten to tear them apart.

He’s an angel.

Annelie can’t believe it when Lukas says that their feelings for each other aren’t a sin, but she can believe his pain when he tells her the reason he’s on Earth. He is fallen, cast out of Heaven as punishment for a crime he didn’t commit. Lukas isn’t about to give up and accept his fate though. He’s determined to prove both his innocence and his love for Annelie, and to show her that the intense passion they share is real.

When Lukas and Apollyon discover who framed him, will he be able to stop them from going after Serenity and Annelie? Will he be able to protect the woman he loves and fly away with her into their forever after?

Available in e-book from:
Author’s website | Amazon Kindle | Amazon Kindle UK | Amazon Kindle Germany | Amazon Kindle France | Apple iBookstore USA | Apple iBookstore UK | Apple iBookstore Australia | Apple iBookstore Canada | Barnes and Noble | Kobo Books | Sony Reader Store | Smashwords | All Romance eBooks

Available in paperback from: | | Barnes and Noble

Her Warrior Angel
Felicity Heaton
Einar is one of Heaven’s best hunters and he’s on a mission to uncover why an angel was working with demons. When he finds the first demon fighting a beautiful woman named Taylor, he intervenes and saves her life. Taylor has spent her whole life protecting London from the lowest demons and she’s not about to let an angel waltz into her city and take over her job, and she’s certainly not about to fall in love with him, even if he is gorgeous. The reason why she can’t is simple—she’s half demon.

There is no love in this world more forbidden than that between an angel and a demon.

Sense tells Taylor to get out before she gets her heart broken, but she winds up convincing Einar to partner with her instead. Einar is certain that working with Taylor is a bad idea, and not only because he can’t focus when he’s around her, but he can’t let her go. The mission leads them deep into the city’s underworld, where old flames burn Taylor while new flames of passion and fear of the consequences consume them, and the threat of Einar’s demons hangs over them both.

Can a love so forbidden ever have a happy ending or are they destined to break each other’s hearts?

Available in e-book from:
Author’s website | Amazon Kindle | Amazon Kindle UK | Amazon Kindle Germany | Amazon Kindle France | Apple iBookstore USA | Apple iBookstore UK | Apple iBookstore Australia | Apple iBookstore Canada | Barnes and Noble | Kobo Books | Sony Reader Store | Smashwords | All Romance eBooks

Available in paperback from: | | Barnes and Noble 

Her Guardian Angel
Felicity Heaton
A simple mission becomes a fight for survival in this fantastic instalment in the Her Angel series.

A guardian angel dedicated to his duty, Marcus will do whatever Heaven asks of him, but even his loyalty has its limits. When his superior orders him to gain Amelia’s trust through seduction, Marcus starts to question his mission and his feelings for the beautiful woman he has watched over since her birth.

Amelia has gone from one bad relationship to another, so when a gorgeous guy moves in next door looking like Mr Right, she hopes he doesn’t turn out to be another black knight in disguise. But there’s more to Marcus than meets the eye, and when he rescues her from three demonic men, Amelia is thrust into his nightmarish world—a world where God and the Devil exist, and only one angel can save her from death—Marcus, the angel she’s falling in love with.

On the run from demonic angels and the Devil himself, aided by Marcus’s angel friends and their amazing women, fighting for survival against the odds, Marcus and Amelia discover a love that will last forever.

A love so strong it will shake Heaven and Hell.

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Covet Book Tour delves into the world of Vampirerotique and other Vampire Erotic Theatre news

Hot on the heels of my first date in my Covet Book Tour where I stopped by Riverina Romantics for an interview and shared an excerpt, plus giveaway, I’m visiting the fabulous Bona Fide Reflections and talking about the book, Covet, and the theatre, Vampirerotique!

Don’t forget, if you comment on the tour posts, you’re also entered into my grand giveaway for six signed paperback copies of my paranormal romance releases of 2011. Sounds good, right? You can read all about it by clicking the book tour button.

On Friday, I’ll be at the wonderful Book Monster Reviews and Literal Addiction interviewing Javier and Lilah about the theatre. Full details of the tour is available on my Covet Book Tour page. The tour schedule gets busy after this week, with another four stops next week, three the week after, and four the week after that!

In other Vampire Erotic Theatre series news, I’ve just completed the first draft of Enslave. It finished at 33500 words but I think this one will grow a little in edits as I want to up the UST in the first half of the book. I really want to write the next book in the series, Bewitch, now so I can finally write Snow’s book, Unleash, but I can’t.

Since Enslave is the final planned release in the series for the year, it means I have to switch my focus to another of my series that actually has a release schedule for 2012. I have to read Her Guardian Angel so I can plan and write Her Demonic Angel. Since I plan to release that book this September, I really need to get cracking on it. It’s a hard life but someone has to live it. I was going to read Her Guardian Angel when I’m in Barcelona over the next couple of days but I think I’ll read something by Lara Adrian or Gena Showalter instead. I need a break from work.

Posted in Bewitch, Book Tours, Covet, Enslave, Her Angel Series, Her Demonic Angel, Her Guardian Angel, paranormal romance, Unleash, Vampire Erotic Theatre, vampire romance | Comments Off on Covet Book Tour delves into the world of Vampirerotique and other Vampire Erotic Theatre news

Her Demonic Angel – Her Angel Romance Series #5

I’ve mentioned this a few times on my Facebook but I thought it was about time that I confirmed that I will be writing another story in my best selling Her Angel romance series. If you’ve read Her Guardian Angel then you’ve already met the hero of the next novel.

Her Demonic Angel features Veiron as the hero and he’s going to have a journey that takes him to Hell and back, literally. The story will feature other cast members from the Her Angel series too, including Marcus and Amelia, Apollyon, Einar and Taylor, plus a new angel. The new angel is another exciting twist and may potentially get his own novel. I can’t wait to introduce him to you all, but for now I have to keep him under wraps. So, not only am I announcing that there will be another novel length book in the series, but that there is likely to be another novel after this one too.

I’m still debating whether Serenity, Annelie and Lukas will make an appearance in this one. In my head, those three are fairly tied up with personal stuff. Remember I mentioned in the series that Serenity and Annelie want to take the trials necessary for achieving immortality for themselves so they can live with the angels they love for longer? Well, that’s what they’re doing right this minute in my mind. Lukas promised to help Annelie and watch over her during the dangerous trials, so I think that he would be out of the picture with the other two. Maybe they’ll make an appearance, but I don’t think they’ll have a huge role to play this time.

You can find out more about the hero of Her Demonic Angel, Veiron, and get a sneak peek into what the future holds for him and what his story will be about by reading the interview I did with him for Bitten by Paranormal Romance‘s month of character interviews. The post will go up tomorrow and I’ll be sure to blog about it and mention it on my Facebook and Twitter! I’m also doing a giveaway with the post.

As for when Her Demonic Angel will be released. It will probably be summer 2012, with the final novel in the series following in summer 2013 if I decide that the angel I’m introducing in Her Demonic Angel warrants his own story.

What do you all think? Shall I write a story for him too? Are you all still in love with this series enough to want more than just one more novel?

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