Interview with a vampire – Hyperion

Really, I think the title of this post should be ‘interview with a god’ because Hyperion is more than just a vampire. He’s probably one of the most intriguing and mysterious and popular vampires in my Vampires Realm series. I get a lot of people asking about him and when he’s going to get his own story. It’s so tempting to just keep having him appear in other heroes and heroines novels in the series because I don’t want his quirky personality to change due to him finally having his love by his side. I’m not sure his personality would change, but he might be a little distracted by her and not amuse himself with everyone else’s love lives as much. lol.

As I’ve said above, Hyperion doesn’t have his own love story yet. I did write a short piece about his origins and you can read it on my Vampires Realm website:

Now, I’ve been waiting to interview this man for a long time, so on with the show…

(It feels as though I’ve been waiting forever for this moment, and that I’m going to have to wait a little longer. Minutes tick by. I tap my pen against the clipboard with my notes on it. Maybe he’s going be a no-show. The door creaks open and the man himself enters, casually dressed in a loose black shirt that has the top few buttons undone, revealing bronzed skin and the valley between his chest muscles. He saunters across the room to the black velvet armchair and drapes himself in it, crosses his black-clad legs and smiles at me, revealing slightly extended canines. His purple eyes are beautiful in the firelight, mesmerising, but I know better than to fall into their trap)

HYPERION: When will you write my story, little lady? (the mixture of accents in his voice make his birth nationality hard to place but I know he was born over three thousand years ago in Egypt)

FH: Soon, I think. A few people want to read it. Every appearance you make in the series intrigues them a little more. I think you have a fan club. I’m tempted to change that to ‘fang club’ as I think these readers are just longing to imagine they’re your heroine.

HYPERION: (smiles slowly) It can be arranged. I am always looking for fresh entertainment. The days can feel so long when I have so much on my mind and cannot sleep. I wouldn’t say no to a little midday snack.

FH: Hmm, but I have the impression that’s all they would be to you. You flirt so well with everyone but would you ever go further than a quick bite?

HYPERION: (his eyes darken and he looks away to the fireplace on his right, causing his irises to reflect silver in the light) Perhaps once upon a time I would have. I am afraid I would have to disappoint any ladies looking for more than just the pleasure of my bite now. My heart belongs to another.

FH: Tell me something I don’t know. Things have certainly been busy for you recently though, so that must have occupied you to some degree?

HYPERION: (he turns back to me and smiles again) Most entertaining. It does amuse me when these vampire hunters believe they are any kind of match for my kind. I am still disputing certain outcomes of the event at the Venia mansion with Winter though. I am sure he is lying. There isn’t the slightest possibility that he beat me.

FH: You’re a sore loser. Does that come with age?

HYPERION: (laughs) No… my cavalier attitude and the right to pry into others’ relationships came with age. I have to amuse myself somehow. If you lived for three thousand years, you would likely end up the same. I do not think any would dare dispute my right either.

FH: They’re all scared of you. You could probably kill most of the vampires in the seven bloodlines with just a flick of your finger. There aren’t any who can stand against your strength.

HYPERION: Now, there you are wrong. There is my beloved sister.

FH: That is true. Ineru is probably the one vampire in the world who could kill you with only a few words.

HYPERION: Not the only vampire. There is another. Women… they are man’s only weakness.

FH: Very true. We can destroy men without flinching. Your sex isn’t as strong as you think.

HYPERION: Your species isn’t as strong as it thinks.

FH: Touché. I’ll give you that one. So, do you have any other adventures planned?

HYPERION: I do indeed, and I think I shall need you to write them down for me. It is high time that my story was told. I grow tired of waiting… you are the only human in the world who can keep me waiting… perhaps the only person too. No vampire would dare. Not even Ineru.

FH: I’ll write it. Don’t worry. I do need to write your sister’s story and also Lilith’s sister’s story too, and I think those should come first.

HYPERION: You place two stories before mine. I grant you leave to write my sister’s story first, but to write Lilith’s sister’s story before mine… sheer madness, my little human. Why does she get precedence over me?

FH: Because her story came first. So shush, behave yourself. I know that your story sort of started shortly after Winter’s story, but it hasn’t ended yet and it’s easier to write a story when it has ended and I have both hero and heroine present to recount it for me. Win your heroine and then we’ll talk about writing your story, okay?

HYPERION: (frowns) Fine, if you insist it be that way, then I will do all in my power to make it happen. It will certainly be an adventure worth writing down though. I can promise you that.

FH: I’m sure readers are glad to hear it. They probably expect nothing less from you and I think every time you appear in a book, they’re secretly hoping you’ve found someone to love and they’ll get to read about it.

HYPERION: It isn’t a case of finding someone to love. I have already found her, but I thought she was lost to me. It is more a case of finding where my love has gone.

FH: Either way, people want to read about it. I’m sure your ‘fang club’ will be desperate to read it when I’ve written it.

HYPERION: Then perhaps we should move things along and I can see about making my story happen.

FH: All of you vampires are so impatient. I have a few silly questions that I like to ask the people I’m interviewing. Firstly, what’s your favourite colour?

HYPERION: Purple. It wasn’t a colour I was familiar with when human. The first time I saw it in Ineru’s eyes, it became my favourite colour. She has beautifully clear purple eyes.

FH: Sometimes you sound a little too in love with your sister. (he scowls at me) And moving swiftly on… your favourite smell?

HYPERION: The desert at night when the sand is cooling and the wind carries the faint scent of water and greenery. It has stayed with me for three millennia.

FH: Your favourite possession?

HYPERION: My ravens.

FH: Favourite thing to do?

HYPERION: Stargaze with my sister. We often did it back in Egypt. There you could see so many stars. I think we used to do it because it made us both feel that not everything had changed. The world was still the same and the stars were still the same. It made it easier to cope with what happened to me, and what I had done to Ineru.

FH: And finally, what’s your favourite time of year?

HYPERION: Winter. The nights are longer in Russia then and very clear. Ineru finds it easier to get away from her place of exile too because the guards are less inclined to leave their houses and check on her.

FH: You really do care a lot about your sister. I can understand it though. She’s been with you for three thousand years and was your only companion until you found your bloodline. Do you still feel bad about turning her?

HYPERION: (shakes his head) No. It is what she wanted and I don’t think I could have coped with watching her wither and die. I don’t think I would have made it past my first decade as a vampire without her at my side.

FH: That’s very sweet. You’re a good brother to her. Now, I’ll let you get on with that business of finding the woman you love. Good luck!

HYPERION: (nods) Thank you. I shall bring back a story worthy of your skill with words.

FH: Get on with you. Compliments get you nowhere.

(Hyperion smiles, rises from the seat, and bows in a way that has me staring down his half-open shirt. Whoever has captured this man’s heart is one lucky lady!)

Ah, I think I’m more in love with him than ever. What about you?

About Felicity Heaton

I'm a NEW YORK TIMES and USA TODAY best-selling author writing passionate paranormal romance books as Felicity Heaton and F E Heaton. In my books I create detailed worlds, twisting plots, mind-blowing action, intense emotion and heart-stopping romances with leading men that vary from dark deadly vampires to sexy shape-shifters and wicked werewolves, to sinful angels and hot demons! If you're a fan of paranormal romance authors Lara Adrian, Larissa Ione, Kresley Cole, J R Ward, Sherrilyn Kenyon, Gena Showalter and Christine Feehan then you will love my books too.

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