Character Interview – Prophecy Caelestis

I’m going to be posting a few character interviews over the coming weeks as they’re always popular with you guys… at the end of each, I’ll allow you to either shout out for which character to interview next, or ask questions to the character I’ve chosen to interview…

First up is my interview with Prophecy, from my Prophecy Trilogy and Spellbound which is part of the Vampires Realm series.

FH: Welcome Prophecy, it’s been a while since we’ve seen each other but just the other day I was thinking about you!

(Prophecy neatly arranges herself on the plush black velvet armchair opposite mine. She’s beautifully dressed in a long dark purple corseted dress that reminds me of the one she’d worn at the Creator Day masquerade. She smiles, a hint of nerves in her look.)

Prophecy: It has been a while. Things have been a little mad since then but I’m glad you were thinking about me. I dread to think what it was you were thinking. After our last time together, I’m sure you’ve wanted to steer clear of the ‘troublesome trio’ as you call us. (she grins).

FH: You three are troublesome. I swear, I’ve never dealt with three people more difficult, stubborn and silly than you lot. Anyway, people want to hear from you all so I’ve bought you here to answer a few questions.

Prophecy: You’re interviewing Valentine and Venturi too? They never told me. (her eyes turn a little green, which worries me since hers turn green when she’s showing her true vampiric face)

FH: I’m sure it’s nothing to worry about. Those two rarely speak as it is. Still, we should get on with this. I have to talk to Venturi next and we all know that he has no patience.

(Prophecy nods in agreement and then grins again. I’m relieved to see her teeth aren’t sharp. It must have been jealousy turning her eyes green)

Prophecy: Saving the best for last? (her smile widens with a hint of pride about her mate, Valentine)

FH: Well, you could say that. I was actually thinking he could rescue me from Venturi if he becomes too over enthusiastic. Last time we talked, he wouldn’t let me go without a sip of my blood.

Prophecy: He’s such a flirt, although he denies it. The Devil, I’m really keeping you chatting. It’s just been so long and you’re so easy to talk to.

FH: I suppose that’s why you told me your story, all three books of it.

Prophecy: Don’t forget the short story! (she beams at me. Sometimes it’s hard for me to remember she’s a vampire. She acts so young and foolish, yet she rules a bloodline and is mated to one incredible man and a lover of another) So, what about these questions?

FH: How could I forget the short story? Writing that down was, well… I don’t think I should try to put into words how hot it was. Okay, first question… what have you been up to since we last saw you?

(she looks thoughtful)

Prophecy: Things have been busy with the bloodlines. It’s non-stop hassle but Valentine helps me through. Sometimes I get in over my head and he has to come and rescue me. (laughs) I don’t know what I’d do without him.

FH: Does he still live at the Aurorea mansion?

Prophecy: (nodding) Yes. We decided it was best if we remained in our separate mansions, although we often spend the day together at one or the other.

FH: And Venturi?

Prophecy: He’s always in Romania right now. They need him to guard the gate to Hell. He comes to visit sometimes though, which is always nice.
(if she could blush, I think she’d be bright red)

FH: Nice, huh? (wink) We all know the real meaning behind that.

Prophecy: He’s a little insatiable.

FH: I don’t think insatiable is a strong enough word. Now that he’s got permission from Valentine to go within a foot of you, I bet he won’t leave you alone.

Prophecy: Valentine is still quite strict. Venturi needs to get permission to visit me for anything other than business.

FH: Have all three of you spent time together since we wrote Spellbound?

Prophecy: (nodding vigorously) My two loves, as Hyperion calls them, have spent quite a lot of time sleeping in the same bed at the same time with me.

(I lean forward)

FH: (whispers) any man on man action?

(Prophecy’s eyes shoot wide. Her mouth falls open. There’s a definite look of a blush without the blush about her.)

Prophecy: I can’t say.

FH: Oh, go on. Everyone is dying to know. I doubt they’d ever get physical, but not even a brief touch or kiss?
Prophecy: (looks around her and then back at me) Maybe there was a touch once.
FH: Not giving away the details huh? (she shakes her head) I understand. They’d go mad if you told me and they found out. Have they ever kissed? I can just picture that.

Prophecy: I bet you can! (she laughs) Seriously though, I think they might have done that just once too, and I seem to remember I had to beg for a long time to get them to do it and it was the most uncomfortable kiss I’d ever seen. I think that was the point I gave up trying to convince them to get it on. Neither of them are that way inclined.

FH: I’m sure Hyperion would kiss them for you.

(We both laugh and nod. Prophecy is hysterical with laughter. She breathes hard to calm herself down and keeps nodding)

Prophecy: Oh, he so would. He’d probably kiss them both at the same time. (she giggles) Have you interviewed him yet?

(I shake my head)

FH: I have a chastity belt ready for the occasion. I was thinking of a neck brace too to protect my throat.

Prophecy: He’d convince you to take those off within seconds. His powers of persuasion are frightening.

(We both nod again, knowing exactly what the lord of Validus is like. Nothing can stop him if he’s truly set his sights on something)

FH: So your romance is going well. Do you have any other adventures planned that I can write down?

Prophecy: Well, you never know. Venturi mentioned something the other day that sounded interesting. We’ll check it out and when we’ve had our fun, I’ll contact you and we can work on writing it down again. Sound good?

FH: Sounds great. I have a few more questions. You live in Prague and share a city with the Aurorea. The last time we met, you hadn’t been out of the mansion much and hadn’t really had much of a chance to explore the city where you were raised. Have you seen more of it since then?

Prophecy: (leans back in her chair and sighs wistfully) Prague is beautiful. Valentine has shown me a lot of the city and we often walk the streets together at night.

FH: Hand in hand?

Prophecy: (smiles her blushing smile again) Yes, hand in hand. You know what he’s like. He’s so romantic.

FH: Aww. I know what he’s like. Emotionless on the surface but bursting with feelings beneath. I could just imagine him taking you on a moonlit tour of the city with his hand in yours, whispering the history of Prague into your ear. He’d take you to the river or perhaps to the square and you’d stand shyly by while he killed for you and then share the meal.

Prophecy: That’s so not funny… but yeah, something like that.

(we laugh again)

Prophecy: He’s sweet though, you know? Beneath that sometimes frightening exterior is a romantic, just like you said. And yeah, we’ve shared a few kills while strolling the streets. I can’t think of anywhere I’d rather be than Prague. I’ve seen a few cities now, and none of them compare to my city’s beauty and darkness.

FH: I can second that. Prague is beautiful. I really enjoyed writing the scenes of your story that were set there. Like when you met Lincoln when you went out for a feed.

Prophecy: Ah, Lincoln. I hear you’re writing his story.

FH: I’ve written it. He was interesting to work with. As troublesome as you lot. I’m beginning to think that all of you pure bloods are difficult. Anyway, on with the questions. What was it like to have your story told and know that people have been reading and enjoying it?

Prophecy: (looks thoughtful) Well, it was quite exciting. Since we were the first, we were a little reluctant about it. We didn’t want to get into trouble. We’d already pushed the Law Keepers to their limit. Once all seven leaders of the bloodlines agreed to the series, and the chronicling of our lives, then it was fun to tell you all about it. It’s strange to see your website and the reviews of the stories, seeing how those people really enjoyed the story and wanted more. I’m actually quite honoured that you wrote our story first and that people have liked it.

FH: I have a few silly questions that I like to ask the people I’m interviewing. Firstly, what’s your favourite colour?

Prophecy: Purple I think. It doesn’t go well with the red hair but I dye it darker a lot these days. (it’s dark red, almost black right now).
FH: And your favourite smell?

Prophecy: Prague at night when Valentine is with me. The city has an ancient smell and when it mixes with the scent of Valentine’s blood, it really stirs my senses. I especially love it in winter, when it’s quiet and the smell of snow is in the air.
FH: Your favourite possession?

Prophecy: Anything that came from my mother. (She touches the star that hangs around her neck) I love my mother’s book and this necklace. They remind me of her and make me feel strong when I’m feeling weak.
FH: Favourite thing to do?

Prophecy: Train. It has to be training. I love to practice fighting with Tiberius but most of the time he goes easy on me. Sometimes I get to fight Valentine or Venturi and we really go for it. It’s brutal. (She grins) Most of the time I lose, but it’s great fun, especially against Valentine. We taunt each other through our telepathic link and the fact we feel whatever the other is feeling makes it more intense. When I hit him, I feel his pain and it drives us on until we’re lost in the violence and then um… well… things reach a climax, so to speak.

FH: Oh. (my eyebrows shoot up) I see what you mean. I guess that fighting such a handsome and passionate man would get me a little hot too. Erm… finally… what’s your favourite time of year?

Prophecy: Autumn. I really like autumn, when the leaves change and the weather cools, before the snow comes. In autumn the nights are clear and there are less tourists. Valentine always seems to be less busy too so we can spend more time walking together.

FH: From humping like bunnies to romantic walks. You really do know how to change a subject. (I smile when she grins at me) It’s been a blast catching up and interviewing you, if you can call it that. I really hope that adventure of yours comes off and we can write another story together.

Prophecy: Me too. The troublesome trio will be knocking on your door soon enough I’m sure. I better go. You’ll need all the time you can get to prepare yourself for Venturi. (she grins again) I’ll expect to see a fresh set of bite marks on your neck next time I see you then, eh?

FH: (blushing) Get off with you. Haven’t you got a bloodline to run? (she laughs and walks out of the door, waving as she goes. I pick up my notes on Venturi and frown.) This is going to be interesting.

So… any questions for Venturi???

About Felicity Heaton

I'm a NEW YORK TIMES and USA TODAY best-selling author writing passionate paranormal romance books as Felicity Heaton and F E Heaton. In my books I create detailed worlds, twisting plots, mind-blowing action, intense emotion and heart-stopping romances with leading men that vary from dark deadly vampires to sexy shape-shifters and wicked werewolves, to sinful angels and hot demons! If you're a fan of paranormal romance authors Lara Adrian, Larissa Ione, Kresley Cole, J R Ward, Sherrilyn Kenyon, Gena Showalter and Christine Feehan then you will love my books too.

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