Category Archives: Ascension

Heart of Darkness – Second draft phase

It’s been a while since I had a chance to update my blog. Things have been very busy recently both at work and at home / writing. I didn’t have the time last weekend to update my blog, but I did manage to post a chapter of my free vampire romance novel, Of Blood and Snow. This week the opposite is true. I have time to update my blog, but I don’t have time to post a chapter of OBAS. Sorry to everyone who’s waiting on a chapter. I’ll try to get a couple up next weekend to make up for it!

I’ve been working my backside off recently. I have finished the second draft on Ascension and I’ve printed out a copy of it via Lulu to take with my on my impending holiday (ash clouds and BA strikes willing), along with my copy of Forbidden Blood. I have a lot of flights coming up on this holiday so there’ll be plenty of time for me to get bored of the in-flight entertainment and read instead.

I’m currently going through the second draft of Heart of Darkness. I’ve done my on-paper read through of it last weekend and have just finished adding in all the notes and changes into the word document. I was editing it during the week though, as I managed to get the first 80 pages of notes and things into the word document fairly early in the week, so I could start on the major edit in the word doc. I finished getting the notes and things in today whilst watching the BBC adaptation of North & South (Elizabeth Gaskell’s novel, which I adore). It’s left me smiling ear-to-ear. I don’t mind too much that they changed the ending. It irked me at first but now I can accept it. It’s the sort of thing that has to happen when a book makes the transition to screen. There’s always cuts and changes.

I think I can probably get the second draft of Heart of Darkness finished in the next two weeks. It’ll be a push when I’m so busy at work too, but I’ll give it my best.

I’m off out soon so I’d better dash. Will do a better update next weekend and post a chapter of Of Blood & Snow.

Posted in Ascension, forbidden blood, Heart of Darkness, Of Blood and Snow, paranormal romance, urban fantasy, vampire romance, vampires | Comments Off on Heart of Darkness – Second draft phase

Ascension, ears and busy schedules

Well, I’ve cajoled the muse into editing Ascension because I felt the writing wasn’t top quality, and then when I went back to it, it was actually far better than I’d remembered. I suppose that’s a good thing. I’m reading over it again now though, although Friday was a complete wash out because I ended up reading parts of Heart of Darkness instead. Not sure what I’m doing after I’ve finished this light edit/read of Ascension. I should probably do the polish on Her Dark Angel before I go away on holiday at the end of the month. I could also do with getting the second draft of Her Fallen Angel done too.

Of course, first I need to get this read through of Ascension done. It’s a miserable day here today and that’s not exactly making me want to do anything. I just want to sit around nursing my poor ear, eating chocolate, and watching anime, or perhaps playing a game.

I went to see my ENT consultant last week and I have yet another ear infection. We talked about what’s involved in an operation to fix the problems with my ear and while I’m more comfortable with the thought now, it still frightens me. I don’t really want to be knocked out but I guess it can’t be helped and it’s better to get the problem fixed now while I’m still (fairly) young and (fairly) healthy. The other downside to it is that I have to take 2 weeks off work. I doubt I’ll be up to much in those two weeks either, not even writing stuff, and that’ll hit my schedule pretty hard.

My schedule is all over the place. I’d love to get some things done and marked off the list but I can’t see it happening yet. It’s a shame really. I want some stuff out of the way with before I go away at the end of the month. I don’t want this bleak future full of editing. It doesn’t do the muse any good. He’s throwing a fit about it right now because he wants to write, and so do I, but we’ve written so much that now there’s a lot of editing between us and starting a new story!

When I get back from my holiday, I’ll be writing Her Warrior Angel. I need to plan it but that shouldn’t take too long as I have the rough idea for it already down, and the characters are already in my head. I just need the frame of the story, the skeleton as it were, and some character notes, and away we go!

At the moment, I’m focused on reading through Ascension and applying any necessary fixes before getting it sent off to a printer so I can get a paperback version of the complete second draft to take with me on holiday. I’m taking Forbidden Blood too. I’ll read them both on the plane or times when there’s nothing else to do and I’m a captive audience.

I’m also programming a Kindle HTML file maker for myself and my fellow authors at Alinar Publishing to use. It’s going well and I’ve done about 60% of it. I just need to finish another part of it and then test and tweak. I’ll get that done now hopefully and then get on with editing Ascension, and perhaps I’ll address my writing schedule issues.

Posted in Amazon Kindle, Ascension, forbidden blood, Heart of Darkness, Her Angel Series, Her Dark Angel, Her Fallen Angel, Her Warrior Angel, paranormal romance, urban fantasy, vampire romance, vampires | Comments Off on Ascension, ears and busy schedules

Birthday, Books and More

Apologies for the lack of blog post last weekend but it was my birthday the week before so I was busy hosting a birthday BBQ on Saturday. What a nightmare they are! I spent the whole day getting everything ready for it, and then the whole evening running about after everyone. It’s a good job that I only have my immediate family come to them or I would be hiding behind the sofa wishing it was over before it had even begun. Koyo hid upstairs all night, glaring at anyone who dared to come up to use the toilet. My cat is rather scared of strangers, and since my family rarely comes over, that’s what they are to her. She particularly mistrusts small people (children). I ended the evening sitting on the floor of my living room, watching Cardcaptor Sakura movie 2 with my nieces and nephews. Normally we end up watching My Neighbour Totoro. Eldest niece did shout for Totoro but I showed her the pink box of Cardcaptor Sakura and she was sold. Good day in the end but so much hard work!

My actual birthday was during the week before. I had a great day courtesy of my hubby. He took the day off with me. I had pain au chocolat for breakfast (very bad), opened my presents, went shopping (but didn’t buy anything!), went to Starbucks for coffee, then we went to see Clash of the Titans (why is Perseus suddenly in love with Io? Utterly wrong. Just change mythology why don’t you? Also, pointless 3D alert!), and then shopped some more, and then we went back home and into Oxford for Yo!Sushi (I love Yo!) where I ate a lot of Pumpkin (Kabocha) Korroke and Edamame, Dorayaki, and Mochi. Totemo oishikatta da yo! (it was very tasty!) So all in all I had a great day.

Last week I spent most of my writing time working on the second draft of Ascension. It’s getting there now, and I’ve added the scenes in that I wanted to and fixed parts up. I have to polish a few more scenes to get some setting description in there, and tweak a bit, and then it’s ready for a check over for passives, making sentences more active, and generally neatening it up. I have another two weeks marked down for Ascension Second Draft in my calendar, so I think I have plenty of time to do the usual spit and polish on it.

It started out at the end of first draft at around 72,000 words, and it’s now nearly 86,000 words. I’m pleased that it’s grown because the story is more rounded now. I think there’s only a few bits that I need to watch for in my next stage of editing when I get back from holiday in June. Just stuff that I need to make sure sits right and makes sense, and that doesn’t leap out in a glaring way or doesn’t fit the characters.

The muse has been busy. A story that was going to be about vampires is now about angels. He’s really into angels at the moment and I was contemplating a particular plot when walking to work through London, and it struck me that it would work better as an angel story. I like the premise, so I’ll probably write it with angels instead. I’m not sure when I’ll get to write it. I’d really like to get Ascension finished, and Forbidden Blood finished too, and then perhaps I could write it. But then, I do need to do draft edits of Her Dark Angel and Her Fallen Angel, and also write Her Warrior Angel. I have far too many stories on the go! I really need to clean up house and get things into order. Maybe this new story will have to wait until then. I don’t want to, because I don’t like it when there is only editing work in my future, but I guess it’s my own fault for writing so many stories in one go! Of course, my Hades’ Boys are going to demand time at the end of the year as promised to them. I think I need to check my calendar!

I bought a couple new books on writing this week. I already have a stack of them and some are more useful than others, but it’s good to have them there as reference, and I’ve found some of them to be very insightful and helpful. I’m hoping these two will be the same and will give me some good pointers about writing, plotting, editing, etc. I think the thing I need pointers on most at the moment is securing an agent. No luck so far but I figured out the primary cause of the problem. The story was far too long.

The next story that I’ll send out to agents is Ascension, which is a demon/witch pairing for the hero/heroine so it’s a bit different, and it’s the perfect length for a first novel. Of course, I’ll mention my other complete novel in my query, and the ones I’m working on, because it looks better if I have several to offer.

I am absolutely shattered today, so that’s it from me. Have a great week everyone and I’ll keep you all posted on my progress with Ascension.

Posted in Ascension, forbidden blood, Hades' Boys, Her Dark Angel, Her Fallen Angel, Her Warrior Angel, paranormal romance, urban fantasy, vampire romance, vampires, witches | Comments Off on Birthday, Books and More

Her Fallen Angel progress and Love Immortal

Writing this week has been like pulling teeth, wisdom teeth in fact. It’s been slow, painful, and downright tiring. It took me a while on and off to write the final 8500 words for Her Fallen Angel. I had wanted to have it done by Tuesday but that rolled into Wednesday, and I finally finished it Wednesday lunchtime. I was severely relieved!

It’s not the story that was the problem. I was just so tired this week and didn’t have the energy to write. I blame the clock change to British Summer Time. I lost that hour and then it was like waking up at 5am for work even though it was 6… it was all dark and grim… and wet and cold… I kept sneaking time in to read snippets of Forbidden Blood and Heart of Darkness instead. In other words, I procrastinated. Rather badly.

But still, the first draft of Her Fallen Angel is now complete at 28,500 words and I’m pleased with it. I had to fiddle with the final chapter to get it satisfactory, but I got there in the end.

I need to plot out Her Warrior Angel now, which I’ll start writing in a couple of months because my schedule is rather hectic at the moment.


Because I’m desperately trying to clear my backlog of books for editing and proofing. At the moment, Forbidden Blood is resting. A friend of mine (male) is reading it as he likes to find all my mistakes for me, and generally give me feedback. I think he just likes seeing it before others and while it’s still evolving into a final draft. Perhaps it makes him feel involved and like an insider. Who knows. It’s helpful anyway so I’m not complaining.

I’ve also decided to edit down Love Immortal. A test run yesterday showed that I could chop around 18,000 words off it, bringing it down to a more reasonable 140,000 words. It’ll take me around 3 weeks but I think it will be worth it in the long run as it should improve the books chances of being published, and ultimately I think this story deserves it and I’ve put a lot of time and effort into it, so I want to see it out there on shelves.

I would also like to get the second draft of Ascension done before I go away on holiday at the end of May. That way, I can take it with me, along with Forbidden Blood, as paperbacks to read on the plane when I tire of movies. There’s no rest for the wicked. I edited Love Immortal in paperback when I was on holiday in Japan last year. Ah, the writer’s life. You squeeze it in wherever you can!

Of course, when I get back, I’ll have polishes to do and the second draft of Heart of Darkness and Her Fallen Angel… and it never ends.

I’m off to watch some telly, drink some tea, and eat some chocolate before shoehorning in some editing time on Love Immortal.

All this effort… one day an agent better request more of my book!

Posted in Ascension, forbidden blood, Heart of Darkness, Her Fallen Angel, Her Warrior Angel, Love Immortal, paranormal romance, urban fantasy, vampire romance, vampires, witches | Comments Off on Her Fallen Angel progress and Love Immortal

Her Fallen Angel – first draft angel romance

I’m writing this in advance of posting, so if anything sounds out of date or odd now, apologies. It’s Saturday, and I’ve spent the day meeting an old friend for a catch up over coffee, writing more of a new story in Starbucks (and exceeding my caffeine quota) and sitting here with my husband at his office waiting for him to finish work so we can go out with another friend.

It’s been a good day and I managed to get quite a lot written in Starbucks, which is noticeable because my arms are aching now as I type this and my fingers are tired and very unresponsive.

Last weekend, the muse decided that he enjoys me writing more than editing, and gave me two new stories to play with. Both of them are angel romance stories, and they fit with my other one, Her Dark Angel, so I’m writing them as a trilogy of sorts. They’ll be able to read as stand alone stories, but the characters will make appearances in the others. I had a rough plot idea for both of them at the time, and when I finished editing Her Dark Angel on Tuesday, I knocked together the plot for the next one, Her Fallen Angel. At first it wasn’t working but eventually we got there after a little thinking time.

I started writing Her Fallen Angel in earnest on Wednesday and it was a very slow start because I had been gearing down to have a break over Easter, so was coming out of writing and editing mode for the first time in a few months. Also, someone at my work is leaving so Friday lunchtime was spent out with them and the team, and Friday evening was a write off due to a couple of glasses of wine. Unless I want the characters to suddenly get together without reason, it’s not a good idea for me to write under the influence of alcohol.

I have caught up though as today I spent a few hours in Starbucks and managed to get 7,700 words written on and off (I was very distracted and procrastinated quite a bit or I could’ve reached 10,000 like a good girl). Still, I reached my target of 20,000 words total on this story, leaving the remaining 10,000 words to write next week.

Once I have Her Fallen Angel wrapped up in first draft, I’ll plot out the story for Her Warrior Angel, which will also be a 30,000 word novella. I’m looking forward to writing that one too, but these novellas are heavy on the love scenes which often means they take me a while to write as I’m never quite in the right mood or the right place for writing love scenes. It’s rather difficult to write one when someone is sitting next to you on the train for example. You sort of have to wait for a time when you’re alone or at least have more privacy, and that means I procrastinate and do other stuff instead. Say, watching anime when I should be working!

I’m still unsure about what to do with Her Dark Angel, and in turn these stories. I’m tossing about the idea of submitting them to e-publishers, but my past experiences with them haven’t been great, and sales were rather low. I’ve had amazing sales of my self-published romance ebooks, and it’s very tempting to self-publish these three novellas too. My Amazon Kindle sales at the moment are very good, and I’ve always sold a lot through Fictionwise, and I’m quite confident that I could make these three stories sell very well on those platforms, as well as directly… so it seems the only reason to approach an epublisher with them would be to have them on my writer’s CV for when I’m gunning for agents again with my next novel.

But then, I don’t think epublishers hold much weight with agents. Probably about as much as being self-published does, so I’m bound to end up selling them directly as I have done with all my previous stories.

I’ve also been debating trying to edit down Love Immortal to a more reasonable length, without losing any of the plot. I think that’s the trick and that’s what’s going to make it very difficult. I don’t want to sacrifice the plot for the sake of bringing the length down. I’m sure I could cut some fat off it, but it still might not be enough to make it appealing to agents. I’ve had zero luck with touting it so far and I think it’s because they see the word count (158,000 words) and basically flee. I wish I could say I think I could chop 40,000 words off it without causing problems, but I don’t think that I can. I’m sure I could do something though, if I had the time, which I don’t right now unless I put other things on hold and the backlog of stories that need editing time isn’t getting any shorter! I think it would probably take me 4 weeks to chop the story down and revise it, and then I’d have to proof and polish again. So probably 6 weeks total to get the work on it done. It might be worth it though. I’ll have a fiddle with my schedule and see what comes out. At the end of the second draft the story was 128,000 words but needed some plot stuff added as well as improved description. A lot of the description stuff I could probably chop back and hone, but the plot stuff was really necessary… I do like a challenge though. Maybe it’s worth it in this market of tight word counts for new authors. I’ll have more chance touting a 120,000 word and 110,000 word paranormal romances together than a 158,000 and 110,000 word ones.

Off to sort out my schedule. Poor Ascension is never going to get edited at this rate!

Posted in Ascension, Her Dark Angel, Her Fallen Angel, Her Warrior Angel, Love Immortal, paranormal romance, urban fantasy, vampire romance, vampires | Comments Off on Her Fallen Angel – first draft angel romance

Editing Forbidden Blood and those pesky word counts!

It was another week of editing for me, working hard to get Forbidden Blood down from 121,594 words to a more reasonable 110,000. I’m not really one for editing and I tend to find it quite boring. Last week I did well, and was enthusiastic about it. This week started out very slow and I just could not be bothered with it on Monday, but I pushed myself and soon picked up where I left off last week, doing a good hard edit and draft. This week has been pretty stressful at work too, with a big project weighing me down and a lot of frustration, which didn’t help at all. It totally drained me and I just wanted to sleep.

I have decided that once I have this story done in second draft, and Her Dark Angel done in second draft too, that I’m going to give myself some much needed down time for a week or so. I’ll probably catch up with my Japanese learning, which has been suffering since November, and maybe do some reading.

Progress was good in the end this week. I’ve edited 215 pages now and have 45 to go. The current word count is now around 111,000 words, and I think I should be able to cut it down to around 108,500 and then improve a few scenes which will bring it back to 110,000.

I think that I’ll probably end up sending Forbidden Blood out to agents since I haven’t had any takers for Love Immortal (I think the length is hindering it since it’s 158000 words), and will use Love Immortal as a nice little enticement. Surely having two books complete is better than one?

I need to get the second draft done on Ascension because that’s not a vampire paranormal so probably stands more chance of being picked up right now and the length is around what every publisher and agent seems to be asking for these days (lord knows why though when I think 80-90,000 is very short for a decent novel). Ascension is currently only around 73,000 words, but it does need a bit of work. I originally wrote it as a 15,000 word short but it said it wanted to be a novel, so I asked some readers to take a look and they agreed, so I made it into a novel. By the time I’m done with it, it’ll probably be around 85,000 I reckon. I keep putting it off because I know it’s going to be hard work!

I’ve also been thinking up other stories to add into the pipeline. I really need to get writing my Hades’ Boys series though, even though I’m not sure what the market is for them right now. I don’t really care either. I’ve never written to market. I write what the muse tells me and he’s telling me a lot right now… mostly vampire romance novels and some werewolf romance novels… but there are demons, gods and witches in the wings too.

Posted in Ascension, forbidden blood, Hades' Boys, Love Immortal, paranormal romance, urban fantasy, vampire romance, vampires | Comments Off on Editing Forbidden Blood and those pesky word counts!

Romance novels, editing, writing and synopses! Oh My!

I’m in a plotting and planning mood right now. I think it’s a vague attempt to escape writing synopses for Love Immortal. It has been quite productive. I’ve plotted five of my A Day in the Life series short romance stories and have written three of them. I’m planning to write eight of them this year and have chosen which characters will feature. I have to plot another three, but it shouldn’t be too difficult since they’re only 4000 word scenes.

I did figure out my rough schedule for the year to see what it was going to look like. Conclusion: Frightening.

I will write the first draft of Heart of Darkness in February, and after that I need to schedule in two more drafts each on Heart of Darkness, Forbidden Blood and Ascension. And after that I need to proof all three, and write their synopses, etc. When I totted this up on a calendar, allowing for writing, editing and proofing my A Day in the Life stories too, it turns out that to do everything minus the synopses will take me until the end of September. Blech.

I hate it when I figure things out and it basically says – yes, you’re going to be editing, editing and editing until September! Congratulations! Of course, another story will come along and bump that date a bit because I’ll write it in some fevered attempt to escape editing hell. I think it’s a special circle of Hell reserved for writers… or at least writers who aren’t lazy and do edit and do several drafts on their stories to perfect them.

Of course, there’s only one thing for it. I’ll just have to get my head down and get on with it. I’m not going to rush things though. I like to be thorough with my writing and do things properly. If I get my head down I should be able to shave some time off my predicted timescales. A few days off each soon adds up when you’re talking second and third drafts on three novels. If I manage to get three days off each, I claw back a couple of weeks working time. It doesn’t sound like much, but I could probably write 40,000 words in that time. I generally write for four days a week on my journey to and from work, and at lunch, and can usually clock up around 5000-6000 words on each day. That’s 20,000 a week. So, if I knuckle down and get on with my editing and really focus, I could save enough time to write half a novel. Yay!

I really want to get on with my Hades’ Boys series too. I need to do extensive planning on it since it’s a seven book series where the main story arc runs through them all, with each story having its own arc as well. I haven’t written anything like that before, but I have written my three book Prophecy Trilogy, so I know how much planning needs to go into it. A lot! I might start doing bits for it on weekends when I can, but I don’t usually have much spare time then.

Ah, it’s a planning, plotting, writing and editing nightmare, but I wouldn’t have it any other way. I just wish that doing second and third drafts didn’t take me as long as writing the first draft does! I could get so much more written and I’m bursting with new stories right now.

Posted in Ascension, forbidden blood, Hades' Boys, Heart of Darkness, Love Immortal, paranormal romance, urban fantasy, vampire romance, vampires | Comments Off on Romance novels, editing, writing and synopses! Oh My!

New paranormal romance novel and the year ahead

Just before Christmas I had another new idea for a story. I didn’t put it on the backburner as it was rather persistent. I believe that I mentioned it back in December and that I was writing notes for it at the time. Well, I finished writing the bulk of the notes for it and now I just need to get them into a coherent order and complete the outline of the novel. At this point, it feels as though it’s going to be somewhere between 90-100,000 words long. That’s a good length for a paranormal romance novel. It might end up longer.

The story now has a title: Heart of Darkness. It pretty much sums up the kind of story you guys are going to get. The hero is the dark one, a little out of touch with vampire society and balancing on the knife’s edge of becoming dangerous and little more than a monster. Of course, the heroine will bring him around and enlighten him about how things are done in this century, and save him from the growing darkness within him.

I don’t often write stories where both the hero and heroine are already vampires, so it’s nice to write something different. I don’t think Love Immortal counts on that front as they’re not precisely vampires. They’re more than that, and the heroine was human at the start.

I am gravitating towards vampires again, but I don’t mind. I know the market for them is probably saturated right now but I think that something different will always stand out amongst the crowd and be noticed. I’m sure that’s the case with this story. It’s quite dark. Yes, I usually write novels and stories that are dark, but this one has a new level, a little like Forbidden Blood has.

I do get to explore their society again, and I like that. I really enjoy having to think about things such as the rules they live by, the hierarchy of their society, the roles they have and how they live in our world without being noticed. It’s fun to tinker with these things.

Besides, the other series I’ve been planning for a while now and can only refer to as Hades’ Boys for now, is non-vampire (they’re demons/gods) and something I’m definitely going to write this year. I’ve been planning this seven book series for over a year now, on and off, and it’s time I gave it some more serious thought and plotted out the rough story arc of each book, and the overall arc of all seven paranormal romance novels. Believe me, it’s not as though I haven’t given this story some serious thinking time already. I have two notebooks worth of notes on the series already, but I’m nowhere near done on figuring everything out. It’s a monster of a series and I’m gagging to get going on it. It’s going to be a challenge to get it planned out in at least skeleton form and bordering on masochistic to write them all. I just need the main overall arc decided and planned, and the first three books fleshed out. The other four can be skeletons for now, which they almost are, and I’ll work on them as I go.

Of course, I can’t start writing this novel until I get other things done. I need to write a couple of my A Day In The Life short stories first, and finish writing synopses for Love Immortal. I think I should be able to start writing it in February, after which I’m going to focus on the second draft of Forbidden Blood. I have that printed out and ready for a nice sit down with some coffee and a read through. I might get out of the house that weekend and spend the day in Starbucks somewhere, so I’m not distracted from reading it. I do get distracted when I read at home. It’ll be a Saturday so I could probably go into Oxford with my husband when he goes to work and read it in a cafe there. I think it’s very important to have a good first read through as a reader, not an editor or author. It’s mostly about the storyline, characters, and any glaring holes at that point.

The other novel that needs my attention this year is Ascension. I think the second draft on this one will take longer than the one for Forbidden Blood. There’s definitely things I would like to change or add to in Ascension. I felt that way with Love Immortal and that took me weeks to do a second and third draft on. It will probably come after I’ve done the second draft on Forbidden Blood and written another couple of A Day In The Life short stories to clear the editing fuzz from my mind.

I’m off to plan a few shorts for A Day In The Life and work out my synopsis writing/submission plan for Love Immortal. Have a great day everyone!

Posted in Ascension, forbidden blood, Hades' Boys, Heart of Darkness, Love Immortal, paranormal romance, urban fantasy, vampire romance, vampires | Comments Off on New paranormal romance novel and the year ahead

New Paranormal Romance short story

I’ve been working on a new free short paranormal romance story recently. It’s a seasonal piece and part of a new series of short stories which I’ll be writing next year. The series is called “A Day In The Life” and all of the stories will be scenes from the lives of the characters in my for sale stories.

First up is Kassian, from A Promise of Passion. I really enjoyed writing his short, and it came out a bit longer than expected, but it was good fun and worth it. I’m editing it at the moment and hope to post it soon, and then I’ll get the site ready for the rest of the short stories.

I’m also working on a new story. I’m just writing notes for it right now but I think it’s going to be good. It’s definitely novel-length, and is a vampire romance. For a change, both the hero and heroine are vampires. It’s a bit different to my recent stories, so I’m really looking forward to getting going on it. I can’t really do much except plan it for now, as I have to focus on getting Arcadian ready for sending out to agents and publishers.

I’ll hopefully have time to write this new story between the second drafts of Forbidden Blood and Ascension. It should be a nice break from the editing work that will be involved in getting those two ready for submission.

It’s Christmas soon, but I won’t stop working. I’ll have that free short story up soon for everyone to read and comment on, and then will post again giving you guys more information about what I’ve been up to and what my plans are for 2010!

If I don’t post before then, and if you celebrate the season, Happy Christmas and a wonderful New Year to everyone”

Posted in Ascension, forbidden blood, paranormal romance, urban fantasy, vampire romance, vampires | Comments Off on New Paranormal Romance short story

Trailer for New Moon

I went to the cinema on the weekend with my husband (to see District 9, which was very good) and there was a trailer for the next film in Stephenie Meyer’s Twilight series, New Moon. Husband turned to me with raised brows and I was looking much the same. I’ve never read the stories but I do see similarities in it to my Vampires Realm series–with the laws and those that uphold them, the separation of hero and heroine, and introduction of a sub-hero. It’s all very Prophecy Trilogy to me.

I must admit that I have watched the first film, Twilight, because a few readers wrote to me at the time it was out and said that my Prophecy Trilogy / Vampires Realm series was better, which made me quite proud considering that it’s only self-published romance ebooks. I would love to see it published in paperback one day by a big publishing house, but I don’t think I will hold my breath! Maybe one day when they pick up Arcadian or Ascension and start trawling my back catalogue for more stories to make money from.

Still, it was interesting to see the trailer for New Moon, although I’m not sure I’ll go and see it, and I’ll be sticking with my Vampires Realm series in terms of books as I’m not really into the teen romance market. I prefer my stories with more bite, a touch more adult content (violence, not just the sex!) and I don’t really like stories written in the first person as I want to know what both the hero and heroine are thinking.

Does anyone else see the similarities, or is it just me?

Does anyone think that Prophecy Trilogy would make a darn good series of movies?

Posted in Ascension, Prophecy Trilogy, urban fantasy, vampire romance, vampires, Vampires Realm | Comments Off on Trailer for New Moon